
Sierra Leone suspends 12 mediahouses

By Mabinty M Kamara

The Independent Media Commission (IMC) has announced the suspension of 12 media publications and radio stations over violations of its codes and noncompliance to penalties for those breaches.

In a statement, the media regulator said the suspensions,which took immediate effect,were occasionedby the failure of the affected institutions to meet its board’s decision for various complaintsit had received and ruled on.

Sierra Leone central bank on Leone & Dollar

By Tanu Jalloh

Sierra Leone is still recovering from the twin shocks of the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) and the decline in commodity prices, specifically Iron Ore. Therefore, the recovery process requires high imports of goods and services thatsurpass exports.

Inevitably, such developments are bound to impact on trade and the economy, key among which is the depreciation of the legal tender, which is the official medium of payment recognised by law to address a public or private debt, or meet a financial obligation.

Outcry over Sierra Leonean appointment in Liberia

By Mustapha Sesay 

Natives of Sanoyea district, Bony County in Liberia, have allegedly raised objection to an appointment of a Sierra Leonean as their District Commissioner.

Commissioner Milton Varney, whose namewas said to have rejected by citizens of the district in 2009, was again appointed Commissionerfollowing an investigation that was conducted by President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf in the district supported by Senator Jewel Howard-Taylor.

Intra school violence in Freetown

By Mabinty Magdalene Kamara

The increasingly rate of violence among school pupils has become a concern for parents and school authorities but how to address the phenomenon appears to be lost on everyone.

Three schools are at the heart of it - Government Rokel Secondary School, Government Model Technical School, and Albert Academy.

In the last few months these schools have seen no respite, as their pupils attack one another for unknown reasons.

