
More trouble at ADDAX

Paramount Chief Bai Bairoh Mabolleh Anshenni III says ADDAX Bioenergy is in “a limbo” and that the potential new buyers say they will lay off the entire workforce.

One of the host Paramount Chiefs of ADDAX’s vast swathe of sugarcane farmland was speaking in Makeni at the launch of a monitoring report on the Swiss company put together by the Sierra Leone Network on the Right to food (SiLNoRF).

His statement comes in the wake of Addax announcing that it would lay off over one thousand workers at the end of June.

Bo Solar project wins multi-million dollar award

By Kemo Cham

A solar power project in Bo is among three projects selected as winners in a prestigious renewable energy development competition in London, last week.

The Africa Growth and Energy Solution (AGES) PLC, which is developing a 25mw solar project in the southern district of Sierra Leone, will share a US$7m-prize money with two other projects from Nigeria and Madagascar. The three projects were selected from among nearly 100 entries in the competition organized by Access Power, under its Access Co-Development Facility (ACF) prize.

SLFA verification committee may collapse

The seven-member verification committee of the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) approved by President Ernest Koroma seems on the brink of collapse. This, after the Football Stakeholders, a renegade group opposed to the administration of SLFA president Isha Johansen, threatened to withdraw their members from the committee over the weekend.

Radisson Blu rating fiasco worries NASSIT

By Mustapha Sesay

The National Social Security and Insurance Trust (NASSIT) has expressed concern over the disagreement over the status of Radisson Blu Mammy Yoko Hotel (RBMYH). NASSIT officials are worried that it could affect the business viability of the hotel.

ACC monitors NaCSA cash transfer exercise

By Mabinty M Kamara 

3, 500 women in the Kono districts, eastern Sierra Leone, have received each the sum of Le195, 000 as part of the World Bank funded cash transfer for poor and vulnerable people. The programme is under the social safety Net (SSN) initiative which aims at alleviating extreme poverty in poor countries like Sierra Leone.

The SSN, which is also supported by UNICEF and implemented by the National Commission for Social Action (NaCSA), targets more than 3, 000 people are benefiting from it across the country.

Sierra Leone “ahead of the game” in HIV fight - UNAIDS country boss

By Kemo Cham

Sierra Leone stands a great chance to end the transmission of the HIV virus ahead of the UN targeted date of 2030, the country director of UNAIDS has said.

Dr Michael Frank Gboun said that all that’s needed for the country to achieve its goal is for every stakeholder to be fully involved in efforts to get people to know their status and those found positive go for treatment.

“Ending HIV/AIDS is possible. It’s not like we can’t have new infections…the point is to ensure prevention of transmission through treatment,” he said.

