
Don Bosco launches campaign amidst rise in sexual assault cases

By Hajaratu Kalokoh

An investigation by Don Bosco Fambul has revealed that Police have already recorded 996 sexual assault cases from January to March this year.

In a press statement issued by the organization, it said 963 of these cases were sexual penetration, whiles the remaining 28 were rape cases.

The figure is an indication of the alarming nature of the situation of violence against women is. The investigation by Don Bosco was done to inform a newly launched campaign titled: “Enough is Enough Stop Child Abuse!”

Sierra Leone breaks silence on US mass deportations

By Mohamed Jaward Nyallay and Sitta Turay

The Government of Sierra Leone has commented for the first time on the latest decision by the United States of America to deport a large number of undocumented migrants to their countries of origin.

Ambassador to the United States of America, Sidique Abou-Bakarr Wai, told Politico in a telephone interview that they were closely monitoring the situation.

WHO says Sierra Leone is on track in health emergency response

By Kemo Cham

Sierra Leone is set to take another major leap in global public health response with the planned introduction of courses in two key international health guidelines.

The World Health Organization (WHO) on Monday announced a pilot project that will see the two country introduce courses in Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) and the International Health Regulations (IHRs) 2005 into its health personnel training curricula.

Amended sexual offenses law committed to Legislative committee

The much anticipated amended law on sexual offenses has finally made it to the well of the Sierra Leone Parliament where it was debated before been committed to the Legislative Committee for further scrutiny.

The bill entitled: “The Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2019” is meant to be the answer to growing calls by campaigners for tougher measures against rape and sexual violence which has spiraled in Sierra Leone. But reaching a consensus is proving difficult.  

CRS, US, supports Free Quality Education scheme

By Kemo Cham

The Catholic Relief Services has announced the commencement of the 4th phase of the ‘All Pikin for Learn’ project under the US Government funded McGovern Dole Food for Education program.

Phase 3 of the project was concluded with the donation of a consignment of school supplies worth USD $202, 541.94.

