
Sierra Leone progresses in Global Corruption ranking

By Chernor Alimamy Kamara

For the 5th consecutive year in five years, Sierra Leone has, again, progressed upwards in Transparency International’s Global Corruption Country Rankings, moving from 110 in 2022 to 108 out of 180 countries surveyed in the 2023 Transparency International Corruption Perception Index (TI-CPI) published on 30th January 2024. 

ACC wants stakeholders’ input on Corruption strategy

By Prince J Musa in Kenema

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has requested for Local Councils, Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) that function within various Councils, for their inputs and suggestions for inclusion into the 2024-2028 Anti-Corruption strategic document.

The Commission had convened a meeting in Kenema on the 26th January, 2024 with some stakeholders in attendance.

Pujehun students applaud scholarship offer

By Alpha Abu

University students who benefitted from a yearly scholarship sponsored by National Revenue Authority (NRA) Commissioner Abu Kanneh have individually spoken to Politico expressing their feelings about the offer.

Josephine Rogers just like the others is a first-year student. The 20-year-old who is studying for a degree in Nursing at Njala University said she was extremely happy when she was selected by a Committee after an interview and scrutiny of her academic performance before entering university.

Court Martial: Captain Senesie led strange people to armoury - Witness

By Saio Marrah

Seventh Prosecution Witness, Corporal Alfred ‘Methodist’ Kargbo, in an ongoing Court Martial set up to try 27 military personnel in connection to the November 26th attempted failed coup, has stated the one Captain Senesesie led in strange people towards the armoury.

The witness said he was on duty on the night of the incident, guarding the main gate leading to the Wilberforce barracks and the armoury.

Abu Kanneh provides scholarships to university students

By Sylvester Alhaji Massaquoi
Chief Immigration Officer, Abu Kanneh has provided Fourteen University Students from Pujehun District with Scholarships to help ease the challenges they encounter as they pursue their studies.

The event held at the Youth Council Centre in Pujehun town was witnessed by the student–recipients, their family members and local community leaders.

