
APRM ends 29th summit in Ethiopia

By Francis H. Murray

The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM), an organ of the African Union has ended its 29th review Forum Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The APRM aim is to encourage the adoption of policies, standards and best practices that lead to good governance through peer review.

The Summit which started on 8 February 2020 brought together Heads of State and Government and marked a momentous milestone for the governance mechanism as it drives for universal accession.

Orange SL launches computer programing in schools

By Hajaratu Kalokoh

Telecommunications operator, Orange SL has launched a computer programming for pupils as part of its effort to fulfill a pledge made towards the government’s Free Quality Education (FQE) initiative.

The program “Super Coders Scratch” was launched on Wednesday at the Annie Walsh Memorial School. It is geared towards exposing pupils to computer programming by connecting colored blocks using the mouse. These groups of blocks, known as Script, tell characters on the screen, which are called Sprites.

Sierra Leone opposition wants judge changed in election petition case

By Hajaratu Kalokoh

The lead defense lawyer for nine former Members of Parliament of the opposition All People Congress (APC) who lost their seats in May 2019 has called for one of three judges hearing the appeal to step down from presiding over the cases. 

Lawyer Ady Macauley told the Court of Appeal on Monday morning that his clients were uncomfortable with Justice Ivan Sesay presiding over the cases because of his previous affiliation with the ruling Sierra Leone Peoples Party.

“EDSA increased tariff instead of service” - Customers say

By Mabinty M. Kamara

Amidst the increased electricity tariff, residents of Freetown have expressed dissatisfaction over the recent frequent power outages in the capital and have accused the Electricity Distribution Supply Authority (EDSA) of increasing tariffs and not improving service.

In recent months, power outage has been frequent in Freetown. The outage comes following an increase in tariff by EDSA in January this year. Businesses and homes have been severely affected by the recent situation.

4.6 million bed nets to fight malaria in Sierra Leone

By Hajaratu Kalokoh

The Sierra Leone Government is set to distribute 4.6 million mosquito-treated bed nets across the country amidst efforts to fight against Malaria.

The distribution exercise will start in May, this year, an official says.

The household registration for the distribution of the nets will commence on 1 April, ending on the 12th, with distribution taking place from 22 – 28 May.

The disclosure was first made at a media training event on malaria reporting last week.

Social media growth in Sierra Leone among the fastest on earth – report says

By Mabinty M. Kamara

The School of Social and Political Science at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland in collaboration with a Sierra Leone civi society Network Movement for Justice and Development (NMJD), has launched a book on the use of social media in Africa.

The book is titled “Social Media and Politics in Africa; Democracy Censorship and Security”.

Thomas Molony, one of the authors said the book had already been launched in Europe and that they chose to launch it in Sierra Leone on behalf of the entire African continent.

Fourah Bay College reduces extra charges

By Hajaratu Kalokoh

Following several engagements with the Students’ Union Government, the Fourah Bay College administration has agreed to reduce extra charges.

The union made the announcement in a press statement on Sunday, after hours of deliberations. It says they were able to achieve the reduction in this year's composite fee.

“Examination fee has been reduced from Le300, 000 to Le 200,000, medical fees from Le200, 000 to Le 100,000” the statement says.

