
Nigerian law professor exonerated in Sierra Leone

By Kemo Cham
A Nigerian Professor of Law accused of faking his academic record has been cleared by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), after about eight months of rigorous investigation.
Prof. Emmanuel Femi Gbenga Ajayi was detained in July 2019 by the ACC which said it was acting on a report from anonymous sources who accused him of faking his academic documents to acquire jobs in two Sierra Leone-based universities – University of Makeni and Njala University.

Sierra :Leome mobile phone users cry over NATCOM regulations

By Francis H. Murray

Subscribers of three of the mobile operators in Sierra Leone have expressed disappointment over the withdrawal of promotional services, which have been blamed on new regulations by the National Telecommunications Commission (NATCOM).

Customers of Africell, Orange and Q Cell say the reaction of the mobile network providers to NATCOM’s move has had a direct impact on their social wellbeing, especially during the prevailing unfavorable economic situation.

Sierra Leome MP becomes Speaker of ECOWAS parliament

By Hajaratu Kalokoh

Sierra Leone’s Mohamed Sidie Tunis has taken over as Speaker of the Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS) Parliament, after he was formally elected on Monday.

The election held at the Mahatma Gandhi International Conference Center in Niamey, capital of Niger, came at the end of the tenure of Moustapha Cisse' Lo of Senegalese in 2019. 

Tunis’ tenure is expected to end in 2024, when Togo is expected to take over the rotating leadership of the regional parliament.

SLEITI ends retreat in Kenema

By Prince J Musa in Kenema

The Sierra Leone Extractive Industries and Transparency Initiative (SLEITI) last week ended a two-day retreat designed to look at emerging challenges within the mining sector.

The retreat brought together industry stakeholders, including the mining companies and government agencies.

Parliamentary Committee pleased with cleaning exercise in Bo

By Newman Anthony Levey in Bo

The Chairman of the Local government and rural development committee in Parliament, Musa Foday Fofanah, has said that he was pleased with the cleaning operations in Bo. His comments came following a visit to the southern region as part of an oversight mission of the Committee.

Fofanah said: "Parliament in the past eight months instituted a program to monitor the national cleaning exercise with reference to the presidential proclamation.”

Sierra Leone holds talks with EU on business

By Mabinty M. Kamara

Sierra Leone’s government has held talks on Friday with the European Union Delegation in Sierra Leone. The talks focused on seeking for more investment and how to improve the business climate in the country.

The discussion also bordered on economic growth, job creation and revenue generation.

Advocacy group celebrates International Women's Day in Bo

By Newman Anthony Levey in Bo

Girls Empowerment Network (GEN) Sierra Leone, an advocacy group for women, has celebrated the International Women’s Day with rural women in Bo district.

The occasion was held on Sunday at Mattru on the Rail, a community in Tikonkor Chiefdom, seven miles away from Bo City.

The occasion which started with a march-past attracted community women, men and children. Naomi Tewo Gborie, a leading women’s rights advocate within the community, praised GEN for their decision to bring such an occasion to their community.

