
Freetown Met police appeal to Govt

By Joseph Lamin Kamara

Chief Administrative Officer of the Freetown Metropolitan Police has appealed to the central government to help minimise street-trading in the city.

Speaking to Politico, Superintendent Desmond Marsh said “Government should empower citizens by creating more jobs, more decent markets and free education for girls, to minimise street trading.”

WHO calls for border screening

By Mustapha Kamara

Country Representative of the UN World Health Organisation has called on government to “institute an exit screening of all persons at international airports, seaports and other major land crossings".

WFP targets 400,000 Sierra Leoneans for feeding

By Joseph Lamin Kamara

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has sent in food aid to tens of thousands of people infected with or affected by the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone.

According to the Country Representative of the agency, Gon Myers they are providing  "full ration including cereal, vegetable oil, super cereal plus - that is the corn-soya blend feeding people with nutritional difficulties".

He said they had intended to feed 28,600 but were currently supporting 35,000.

Tejan Kabbah’s will 'rewards loyalty'

By Joseph Lamin Kamara

A non-family member who benefited from the late President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah’s will that was made public at his Juba residence in Freetown on Saturday has referred to the gesture as “a reward of loyalty”.

The one-time Minister of Presidential Affairs in the Kabbah administration, Dr. Shekou Sesay, said he worked closely with the late man, adding that their relationship spanned as far back as the early 90s when they both worked at the UNDP in New York.

Sierra Leone chief electoral commissioner bids farewell

By Mustapha Kamara & Allieu Sahid Tunkara

Outgoing chairperson and chief electoral commissioner of the National Electoral Commission, Christian Thorpe, on Monday bade farewell and officially wrapped up her duties at their headquarters on Tower Hill in Freetown after ten years at the helm.

Before handing over her keys she thanked staff of the commission for their support over the years and praised them for enabling her carry out her mandate of conducting elections in the country.

Darkness returns to Kabala

By Steven Bockarie Mansaray in Kabala

Residents of the northern headquarter town of Kabala in the Koinadugu district have lamented the return of darkness to most parts of the township after government-installed solar lights on Makeni Road, Sedikie Street and Yogomaia all went dead.

The facilities were said to have been hit and destroyed by lightning in June, leaving in its wake fear among people living in the vicinity and who had alleged that the poles had no protection from such shocks as thunder and lightning.

SLRA blames govt for Pujehun road project

By Mohamed T Massaquoi in Pujehun

The Director of Development at the Sierra Leone Roads Authority, Daniel Wiseman has told a gathering of district stakeholders in Pujehun that since the inception of the township road project in that district "the government of Sierra Leone has only paid 20% of the budget set aside for the contract awarded to the First Tricon company".

He said the media must not blame the delay in completing the work on the company.

