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Viewpoint: A Remarkable Feat: How Sierra Leone’s Minister of Finance, Sheku Bangura, Reduced Inflation and Gained Global Confidence

  • Sheku Ahmed Fantamadi Bangura, Minister of Finance

By Foday M. Daboh

In a time of global economic uncertainty and fiscal crises, Sierra Leone stands out as a beacon of financial resilience, largely due to the work of one individual: Sheku Fantamadi Bangura, the Minister of Finance. His economic stewardship over the past year has been nothing short of extraordinary, as he successfully reduced the country's inflation rate from a staggering 55% to a more manageable 25%. This remarkable achievement has not only stabilized Sierra Leone’s economy but has also garnered significant praise from international financial institutions such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

The Context of Sierra Leone’s Economic Challenges

Before delving into the achievements of Sheku Bangura, it is essential to understand the economic landscape he inherited. Sierra Leone, like many developing countries, has long struggled with economic instability, driven by factors such as political unrest, a fragile post-war economy, and a heavy reliance on imports. Global events like the COVID-19 pandemic, disruptions in international supply chains, and the war in Ukraine have only exacerbated these challenges, leading to skyrocketing inflation rates in 2023, with inflation peaking at a staggering 55%.

This situation was particularly dire for Sierra Leone's vulnerable population, as inflation eroded purchasing power, made basic goods unaffordable, and increased the cost of living. The local currency, the leone, depreciated rapidly, contributing further to the economic crisis. Many feared that Sierra Leone was on the brink of economic collapse, and it was within this context that Sheku Bangura was appointed as Minister of Finance.

Sheku Bangura’s Economic Vision

Bangura's approach to tackling inflation was grounded in both pragmatism and bold reforms. Drawing upon his extensive experience in finance and economics, he understood that inflation is a multifaceted problem that required a multifaceted solution. His first task was to restore confidence in Sierra Leone’s fiscal management, both domestically and internationally.

Bangura implemented a series of well-calibrated monetary policies in coordination with the Bank of Sierra Leone, the country’s central bank. He introduced measures to tighten money supply and curb excess liquidity, such as raising interest rates and adjusting reserve requirements for commercial banks. These policies were aimed at reducing inflationary pressure by stabilizing the leone and controlling price surges in essential goods.

Bangura also recognized the importance of fiscal discipline. Under his guidance, the Ministry of Finance introduced austerity measures to reduce government expenditure and implemented reforms to increase revenue through tax collection. These efforts were crucial in reining in public debt and avoiding excessive borrowing, which would have worsened inflationary trends.

In addition to these domestic measures, Bangura pursued a strategy of strengthening Sierra Leone’s engagement with international financial institutions. He understood that gaining the support of the IMF and World Bank would be pivotal in securing loans, grants, and technical assistance to stabilize the economy. By implementing transparent and accountable fiscal policies, Bangura managed to restore the confidence of these institutions, which had previously expressed concerns about Sierra Leone’s fiscal management.

Restoring Confidence in the Leone

One of the most significant challenges Sierra Leone faced during the inflation crisis was the rapid depreciation of the leone. To combat this, Bangura worked closely with the central bank to implement measures that would stabilize the currency. The Bank of Sierra Leone began foreign exchange interventions to smooth out volatility in the currency markets, while Bangura’s fiscal policies aimed to reduce the trade deficit by promoting local production and reducing dependency on imports.

In a bid to reduce inflationary pressures from fuel imports, Bangura also negotiated more favorable terms for fuel procurement. By stabilizing fuel prices, he managed to reduce transportation costs, a significant driver of inflation in Sierra Leone. His efforts in these areas led to a stabilization of the leone, which in turn reduced inflationary expectations and restored public confidence in the currency.

Gaining the Confidence of the IMF and World Bank

One of Bangura’s most notable achievements was regaining the confidence of the IMF and the World Bank. Prior to his appointment, Sierra Leone’s relationship with these institutions had been strained due to concerns over fiscal mismanagement, corruption, and a lack of transparency in public financial systems. However, Bangura’s commitment to reform and transparency won over these critical players in the global financial arena.

In 2024, the IMF commended Sierra Leone for its efforts to stabilize the economy, and the World Bank followed suit by providing financial and technical support for several of the country’s development projects. Bangura’s ability to secure these endorsements was pivotal, as it signaled to other international partners and investors that Sierra Leone was back on a path of fiscal responsibility and economic growth.

The IMF’s confidence in Sierra Leone under Bangura’s leadership was underscored by its decision to release a tranche of funds under its Extended Credit Facility (ECF), a program designed to help low-income countries stabilize their economies. The release of these funds not only provided much-needed financial relief to the country but also signaled to other international investors that Sierra Leone was a safe and stable environment for investment.

The Social Impact of Reduced Inflation

While macroeconomic stabilization was a key focus of Bangura’s tenure, he never lost sight of the fact that his ultimate goal was to improve the lives of ordinary Sierra Leoneans. The rapid inflation of 2023 had devastated many families, pushing more people into poverty and exacerbating inequalities. By reducing inflation to 25%, Bangura succeeded in easing some of this pressure.

Basic goods such as food and fuel became more affordable, and the purchasing power of the average Sierra Leonean increased. Furthermore, by stabilizing the leone, Bangura helped reduce the cost of imported goods, which had skyrocketed during the inflation crisis. His efforts to improve fiscal discipline also meant that the government could continue funding essential public services, such as healthcare and education, without resorting to unsustainable borrowing.

Looking Forward: The Challenges Ahead

While Sheku Bangura’s achievements over the past year have been remarkable, challenges still remain. The global economic environment continues to be uncertain, and Sierra Leone remains vulnerable to external shocks, such as fluctuations in commodity prices and global inflation trends.

Nevertheless, Bangura has laid a solid foundation for Sierra Leone’s economic future. By reducing inflation, stabilizing the currency, and restoring confidence in the country’s fiscal management, he has positioned Sierra Leone for sustainable growth. The continued support of international financial institutions, coupled with ongoing reforms in the areas of governance, transparency, and public financial management, will be crucial in ensuring that the progress made so far is not lost.


Sheku Fantamadi Bangura’s tenure as Sierra Leone’s Minister of Finance has been a masterclass in crisis management and economic reform. In just one year, he reduced inflation from 55% to 25%, stabilized the currency, and regained the confidence of both the IMF and World Bank. His leadership has been instrumental in steering Sierra Leone away from economic collapse and putting the country on a path toward sustained growth and development. As the nation looks to the future, Bangura’s achievements will undoubtedly serve as a model for effective economic management in the face of adversity.

Note: The author, Foday M. Daboh, is a University of Pennsylvania Public Policy Expert
