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Sierra Leonean father of “rape” victim complains of neglect

By Mabinty M. Kamara

The father of a 13-year-old deaf and mute girl who was allegedly raped at Kossoh Town last year has in an open letter appealed for government intervention to prevent the case from dying.

The girl who was raped almost six months ago is still struggling to adjust in her community and in school.

Over two weeks ago, the distraught parent wrote a letter to the Attorney General and other relevant stakeholders urging them to pay attention to the case. But he told Politico that since he presented the letter to the office of the Attorney General, he hasn’t got any reply, leaving him even more let down.

Following the alleged rape incident of his daughter in September, the case took two months at the Grafton Police station just to confirm test results from the Rainbow Center.

According to the father, he understood that the case has been stalled at the desk of the Director of Public Prosecution.

The open letter, while addressed to the office of the Attorney General, was copied to various other relevant institutions, including the Inspector General of Police and the Office of First Lady. A copy was also presented to Politico.

“Since I left the letters about two weeks ago, nobody has called nor has any action been taken,” the disappointed father lamented on a telephone interview.

The case highlights the reality about the fight against sexual and gender-based violence in Sierra Leone, despite public pronouncements by government officials, including the president and his wife, committing to tackle the menace. 

Read the letter below:

February, 2020

New London

Kossoh Town



The Attorney General and Minister of Justice

Guma Building



Dear Madam,


I write, as father who is seeking justice, to bring to your attention my concern and hope you can act in line with the laws regarding my situation.

My daughter, a 13-year old girl who is dumb and deaf and residing at New London, Kossoh Town in Jui, was raped last year (September 2019). Her abuser is a 27-year old named Samuel Bassie to Book. Her case file N0 68.54 has been held at the DPP office for the past three months without any progress made. The child is completely stigmatized, while we, the parents, are in agony.

We are calling on your office and those of the Chief Justice, international human rights organizations, Legal Aid Board, Civil Society Movement, and the Inspector General of Police, to help ensure that we have justice.

We are also making a special call to Her Excellency, Mrs. Fatima Bio, in line with her campaign victims of sexual abuse - Hands off our Girls – to help us get justice.

And to the general public, please pay attention to this matter. If we fail now, there will be no safe Heaven for other girls.

Sincerely Yours


A concerned father


Cc: Chief Justice of Sierra Leone

      Legal Aid Board

      Inspector General of Police

      Office of First Lady


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