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Sierra Leone trains teachers in early education

  • Tonya Musa addressing the stakeholders

By Prince J. Musa in Kenema

The Ministry of Basic and Senior Secondary Education (MBSSE) has ended a two-day training of Pre-school Teachers, Lecturers from Eastern Technical University, and other partners.

According to the Consultant of the training, Dr. Tonya Musa, the training was to show the importance of early childhood education and raise awareness among policymakers  to enhance fundational learning.

 Dr. Musa told trainees in Kenema on Wednesday 15 March 2023 that the exercise will advocate for an increase in financial and resource investment in early childhood education programmes in Sierra Leone.

This he said will enable them to raise public awareness on the implementation of policies and curriculum on early childhood education.

Dr.Musa said the advocacy will target donor partners, parliamentarians, directors in Ministries, business partners and communities to see the importance of foundational learning for the children.

The Deputy Director of Basic Education Kenema, Agness Kamara implored the teachers to grab the opportunity accorded them so that other pre-schools can be targeted. He pointed out that it will improve child learning from zero to eight years. 

The Assistant Director of Foundational Learning, Melody Martin said as earlier as 2010, the Ministry found out that preschool education has lost attention in the educational sector and it is necessary they go back to the drawing board.

Ms. Martin added that much needed attention has not been given to the nursery education that is contributing to the poor performance of pupils taking the National Primary School Education (NPSE).

According to her, the free quality education has paved the way for the Ministry and partners to pay key attention as President Julius Maada Bio has been recognized globally as the father of foundational learning while the education minister has been awarded as the best education minister in the world.

On that note, she called on teachers whom she described as technical experts in the sector to come together and make their input to the strategy document so that it can be served as national policy document that will help to improve the nursery school education in the country.

‘’Children with early childhood education are smarter in numeracy and literacy than those just starting primary school without the basics,’’ she said.

Martin said the MBSSE wants to ensure that people understand the early childhood education policy especially teachers, parents and other partners in education. She added that there is a need for a robust advocacy on the importance of foundational learning.

The Dean of Faculty of Education Eastern Technical University, Alhaji Sheku Kamara, praised  efforts taken by the ministry on foundational learning and disclosed that  preparations are underway to train students on the importance of studying early childhood education at higher level.

Copyright © 2023 Politico (17/03/23)
