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Sierra Leone seeks to ban FGM for girls

  • Dr. Isata Mahoi, minister of Gender and Children's Affairs

By Nasratu Kargbo

The Minister of Gender and  Children’s Affairs Dr. Isata Mahoi has revealed that the bill entitled the Child Right’s Act 2024 which is at its drafting stage seeks to ensure that girls under eighteen (18) years are forbidden from undergoing Female Genital Mutilation (FGM).

Speaking in an interview with journalist on the 11th June 2024 after an engagement with female members of parliament Mahoi explained that government wants to delay FGM in order to give girls the opportunity to decide on what to do with their bodies and those children should not be forced into the practice.

She explained another aspect of the bill looks at child labour, trying to protect children from being overworked. The minister was quick to note that children have certain roles and responsibilities in the home, explaining at certain age they should be doing minimal chores, emphasizing that for children who have attained a certain age whose parents are disabled and cannot fend for themselves, should be able to help their parents without going against the law.

Mahoi said the law will be a parent law for all other laws regarding the rights of children. She explained that they are at a consultative stage and that the bill will soon be presented to cabinet and later parliament.  

During the engagement the Member of Parliament representing Kailahun District Emilia Loloh Tongi stressed that culture and tradition should not be eroded or forbidden.

The MP spoke passionately on the issue of FGM stating that it has been a lifelong sacred practice, advising that they should not be influenced by sponsors from the west.  She emphasized that Africans do not visit the west and dictate to them but that they always come to African countries and give them dictates on how to operate their affairs.

Other MPs spoke on the need to include laws that will address street trading involving children during school hours, their engagement in begging, and their state of homelessness, amongst others. 

 Copyright © 2024 Politico (20/06/24)
