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Sierra Leone president suspends minister after "shoot-to-kill" threat

  • Abu Abu Koroma

By Mohamed Jaward Nyallay

President Julius Maada Bio has suspended the Resident Minister, North, Abu Abu Koroma after a video on social media showed him apparently raging and threatening to “shoot-to-“kill” people who would break the law.

Koroma was seen in the video addressing a group of people believed to be community stakeholders and security officers. It is not clear when the video was shot, by whom or where. But it comes after clashes in the northern town of Lunsar last week when youths went on the rampage and burned down the house of the Paramount Chief, destroying others. They also injured people after clashing with the police who had ordered the arrest of one of them.

The minister was seen in the video saying: “We will kill you if death is what you want [and] we will disable you so you will sit at home.”

Koroma also added that they would break the legs of any youths who misbehaved “and we will go after your mother and father”.

His comments provoked outrage online. Politico contacted him for a response to his statement and his suspension. But he declined to comment.

The video which was trending on Sunday afternoon comes just two days after President Bio issued a stern speech about cracking down on “lawlessness” in the country.

A short statement released on Sunday from the Office of the President says: “The President maintains his stated unwavering commitment to addressing lawlessness and incitement to violence against the state, only within the constitution and laws of the Republic of Sierra Leone.”

The statement also distanced the presidency and the government of Sierra Leone from Koroma’s remarks in the video saying his statement “misrepresents the position of the government of Sierra Leone and His Excellency, the President Julius Maada Bio.”

Critics are now calling for his sacking, with some saying he should be investigated and prosecuted for his comments which they deem inciting.

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