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Sierra Leone media scholar launches book on Human Rights

  • Dr Seaga Shaw

By Francis H. Murray

Prominent media scholar, Dr Seaga Shaw is set to launch a book on human rights and peace building. The book which is co-authored with Dr Senthan Selvarajah focuses on reporting key human rights issues in conflict areas in the world.

Dr Shaw is the head of the Rights to Access Information Commission (RAIC) in Sierra Leone.

The title of the book is Reporting Human Rights, Conflicts, and Peacebuilding: Critical and Global Perspectives.

‘‘This book focuses on the reporting of human rights in broadly defined times of conflict. It brings together scholarly and professional perspectives on the role of the media in constructing human rights and peacebuilding options in conflict and post-conflict environments, drawing on case studies from Europe, Latin America, the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia,’’ a statement from Dr Shaw’s office states.

The book also highlights challenges faced by journalists, considering the implications on their human rights judgments and peacebuilding options in the executions of their daily activities.

“For those who study and teach media and peacebuilding, Reporting Human Rights, Conflicts, and Peacebuilding: Critical and Global Perspectives, it is like a package under the tree at Christmas. And it’s not a package with underwear and socks, but it is instead the shiny toy that you’ve been impatiently seeking for many years’’, Professor Youngblood, noted in the forward in the book.

The launching which will be done at the SLAJ Headquarters in Freetown, is expected to be graced by other media academics like Dr Abubakar Binneh Kamara and a host of others within the media fraternity in Sierra Leone.

Dr Shaw is a leading media scholar in Sierra Leone who has authored several books. He has written two books and co-authored three others.

His first book was written on the same subject - Human Rights.

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