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Sierra Leone Gender bill to factor labour laws

  • Manty Tarawalli Minister of Gender and Children's Affairs

By Nasratu Kargbo

The Gender Director in the Ministry of Gender and Children Affairs, Charles Vandy has disclosed that one of the things the Gender Empowerment Bill (GEB) will be looking at is the labour laws. He stated that people who are in the same rank, grade and perform same functions should be paid equally, no matter their sex.

According to the director, in a radio interview , the new bill would ensure that the labour laws  guarantee gender equality in the work place. He explained that the country has old labour laws that needed improvement, saying no matter the sex, people should be paid equally. 

The bill also looks at recruitment for both public and private institutions stressing provision for gender balance. 

He said the new bill will seek for an increase in the number and percentage of women in governance at all levels “both appointive and elective positions”, making sure that gender is mainstreamed into the different facets and  increase the access of women’s economic security.

Throwing light on women in governance via elective positions, the director explained that the bill will focus on parliamentary and local council elections with a minimum of 30% of representation of either gender.  He said the intention is to disable men and women from gaining more than 70% . He explained that the bill will introduce what they refer to as reserved seats and that a body will be set up to look at how a formula will be created in the selection of which seats should be reserved. The composition of the body will include the National Electoral Commission, Political Parties Registration Commission, Political Parties, Council of Paramount Chiefs and Civil Society Organizations that all focus on elections. 

He gave Kailahun district as an example stating that they have ten seats of which three should be reserved for women.  This will require all political parties to choose female candidates for those constituencies. He noted that the ministry does not care who wins, but their concern is on making sure women are in those reserved seats. 

In addition, Vandy stated that in as much as there are reserved seats for a woman that does not exempt them from contesting for other seats that are not reserved.  The same will be done with the local councils.

In responding  as to whether the bill will serve as a disadvantage to men, Vandy said he believes  the greatest beneficiaries of gender equality are the men, noting that most homes that are thriving well is as a result of them practicing gender equality and added that “this bill is not here to disadvantage any gender”. He stated that for the appointive positions, the bill creates a 30% quota for women in positions for Ministers, Ambassadors and others.  

Giving a background on the introduction of the bill, the Gender director explained it did not come as a surprise, noting that the country is a signatory to many international treaties that protect and promote the rights of women and encourages their participation in different spheres, mentioning the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women, the AU Protocol on Women, amongst many others.   

He also stated that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission made some imperative recommendations on women, considered  must do recommendations, one of which was that due to the fact that women were disenfranchised during the war, they should be given a minimum of 30% representation at all levels of governance.  He explained that the bill was borne as a result of the above, with successive governments having included gender equality in their plan.  

When asked how the Ministry would ensure that the law is put into practice, the director said there is a segment in the bill that focuses on monitoring and reporting, wherein the ministry will receive annual reports from Ministries Departments and Agencies on how they are promoting gender equality in their institutions.

Copyright © Politico Online 22/10/21
