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Sierra Leone calls for ceasefire in Israel-Hamas conflict

  • Chernor Bah, Minister of Information

By Sorie Ibrahim Fofanah

The Minister of Information and Civic Education, Cheror Bah has said Sierra Leone voted in the United Nations (UN) Security Council for a ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas war.

The Minister made this statement at the weekly press conference in Freetown on 31st October 2023.

"President Bio cares about what is happening in the Middle East. In fact, Sierra Leone voted in the General Assembly of the UN Security Council calling for a ceasefire," the minister said. He went on to say Sierra Leone also called for humanitarian aid to be allowed to enter Gaza. The Minister stated that their position as government has been the same- that it is a conflict that should be resolved through peaceful means.

He said they support a two-state solution in the ongoing conflict. "Sierra Leone is very consistent with that, calling on the two states to live "side by side."

Sierra Leone was voted to be a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the period of 2024 - 2025.

The country became a non-permanent member of the Security Council after fifty-three (53) years and was voted for by 188 member countries out of 193 members.

The war between Israel and Hamas broke out on the 7th of October this year after Hamas fighters entered Israel and killed some 1,400 mostly Israelis. The state of Israel has since declared war on Hamas who control the neighbouring Gaza Strip. Over eight thousand Palestinians have been killed in the fighting. Hamas is said to be holding over two hundred hostages after that incursion into Israel from across the border on 7th October. Sierra Leone voted for a ceasefire in the war, following a resolution drafted by Arab states which was passed at the UN General Assembly.  120 voted in favour, 14 against while 45 abstained.

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