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School boy seeks help for emergency surgery in southern Sierra Leone

By Newman Anthony Levey in Bo

The family of a 15-year old school boy, Desmond Kalokoh, who lives in Bo, is soliciting support from well-wishers and humanitarian organizations to facility an emergency surgery for what doctors say is a life threatening ailment.

Kalokoh, who attends the Bo Commercial Junior Secondary School, has been battling the sickness that resulted from a boil under his armpit for the last three years.

According to his brother-in-law, whom the young boy lives with, Ibrahim Farmah, it all started when the boil burst.

“There was a big hole and it later resulted to a sore that penetrated his bone,” Mr Farmah told Politico.

He said they had sought help from many hospitals across the country with no remedy. But it was Dr Andrew T. Muana of the Bo Government Hospital who, after conducting free scanning on the boy, advised that Desmond needed an urgent surgery to save his life.

"We have spent a lot of money to save his life and we have been left with no money. Even for us to eat is a challenge for the family,” Farmah lamented.

He noted that Desmond used to be a very brilliant pupil in school but that he performed poorly in the last academic year because of the sickness.

Meanwhile, Desmond’s condition continues to deteriorate by the day, as indicated by loss of weight.

Mr Farmah and the rest of the Kalokoh family are pleading not just with the government but also local and international humanitarian organizations to help save the life of their young son.

Anyone wishing to provide the family any support is welcomed to contact the numbers below:

Mr. Bockarie Kalokoh, father of Desmond Kalokoh: 099183745.

Ibrahim Farmah: 078502383.

Well-wishers can also reach the family at their residence at Number 3 Sudie Town, Wahman Abu Quarter, Reservation, Bo City.

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