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Pujehun elects Patrick "Carburetor" Kaikai

By Mohamed T Massaquoi.

Over 100 delegates representing descendants from the southern district of Pujehun last weekend elected businessman Patrick Ansu Kaikai alias Carburetor as Chairman of the Pujehun District Descendants' Association.

He polled 75% of the votes in the election which ended a series of events aimed at reviving an organisation that had been moribund for many years.

In an interview with Politico, Kakai said "I now believe that the people of Pujehun have confidence and trust in me to run the affairs of the district so I am going to work completely in their interest to bring development to the district."

The former APC District Chairman encouraged his defeated rival Abdul Karim Mbawa and other unsuccessful candidates for other positions to work with him in promoting the cause of the district.

He said national politics had nothing to do with his election because "I was elected by the people of Pujehun district so my membership of the APC will not let me compromise issues of concern to the district".

He promised to "work in consultation with stakeholders in the district because the first project for the people of Pujehun is to promote the welfare of the youths of the district which is part of president Koroma's Agenda for Prosperity...I will also work to improve the quality of education in the district."

The new PDDA chairman called on the District Council to work closely with his executive in running the affairs of the district.

Kaikai denied that he was only interested in the position to protect his iron ore mining company in the district, arguing that "it will be unfortunate for somebody to think so". He promised that China Kingho, of which he is a consultant, "will meet their corporate social responsibility".

He said he was in touch with Pujehun descendants in the United States and elsewhere in the Diaspora and that together they would plan the development of the district.

(C) Politico 03/06/14
