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Liberia declares war on KUSH

  • President Joseph Boakai of Liberia

Politico Staff Writer

The newly-elected president of Liberia has told his people that Liberia was facing a “drug epidemic” and that the situation was “an existential threat eating away at the future of our children and the country. We must stand up and face this national security risk together. Given the need for immediate action to make good my pledge to the thousands of families burdened by this crisis”.

 President Joseph Nyumah Boakai in his first State of the Nation Address on January 29, 2024 declared “Drugs and Substance abuse as a Public Health Emergency” and announced the establishment of a multi-sectoral steering committee comprising six ministries in his government. He said to underline the seriousness of his government to fight drug abuse, along with his Vice President; he will take a drug test and urged other Liberians to follow their example.

 President Boakai called on Liberians to embark on a “new journey of hope” as they confront “poverty, drug epidemic, corruption, poor infrastructure, and an underperforming economy. He described the state of the Liberian economy as “a cause for concern, with many of our citizens facing perennial unemployment and economic instability. We must not just recognize the pain and frustration that permeate our society, but also work together to introduce and pass legislation that will prioritize economic reforms that foster sustainable economic growth and job creation”. 

The president spoke of the debt burden that he has inherited and noted that “Liberia is under sanction for lack of payment of dues to the African Union and the African Development Bank. Also, a default in payment of about US$650,000 to the European Investment Bank is preventing a disbursement of over US$13 million for the Sanniquellie-Loguato road”.  He said he “will reintroduce the Fiscal Rules and Travel Ordinance in addition to other measures to help address waste and abuse and ensure the return of prudent fiscal management. We will ensure that the executive leads by example”. 

The issue of Kush is becoming a concern to the Mano River sub region.   Sierra Leone a lot of efforts are being made to curtail the menace of kush in the country including in the legislative house. The Deputy Leader of Government Business II Emerson Saa Lamin recently requested in Parliament that the Minister of Youth Affairs Mohamed Orman Bangura introduce a policy on Kush.

“This house wants to see a policy on kush and how can we contain kush,” he said.

He explained that the substance greatly affects youths, stressing that he is looking forward to seeing Bangura present the policy to cabinet, assuring him of parliament’s support to making that a reality.

Copyright (c) 2024 (Politico 02/02/24)
