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Kandeh Yumkella talks about Sierra Leone's energy drive

  • Dr Kandeh Yumkella

By Alpha Abu

Chairman of the Special Initiative for Climate Change, Renewable Energy, and Food Security in Sierra Leone, Dr. Kandeh Kolleh Yumkella has spoken of his office’s ambitious drive to improve Energy Generation in the next 10 years.

Speaking to Journalists at State House, Freetown, 18th October, 2023, Dr. Yumkella detailed how together with other key players, his office will work towards achieving   IGW of locally- generated Power in the next 10 years. 200 mini-grids are to be developed which can help boost the country’s agricultural production, he stated.

He made reference to a high level Dialogue in Freetown next Monday that will address the issue of climate resilience and food systems transformation that is expected to culminate into developing a just and inclusive Energy Transition Plan for Sierra Leone.

Dr. Yumella said they would want to, alongside Development Financial Institutions, vastly improve the country’s energy generation services with due consideration to Transparency, Longevity and Credibility.

He said Sierra Leone is still experiencing an energy crisis with all the associated problems faced by service providers in the country. He admitted there are potential risks involved in dealing with energy development and that they would devise strategies on how to deal with the risks.  

Dr. Yumkella spoke about Climate Change which he said the UN has realised as the most existential crisis facing the world today. He spoke about the risk to agriculture as a result and therefore stressed the need for collaboration amongst heads of Line Ministries in the country, to address emerging threats to food security. He said his office will be on a supportive role that could also see energy providing an uplifting service to farming activities in rural communities, thereby improving the value chain.

He said solving the country’s energy problem should not be based on a quick-fix approach and would take time, to ensure reliability and affordability; and spoke about the efforts by other African countries to explore various forms of energy generation in their desire to stimulate economic growth and development.

He said the Dialogue on energy next week has the full support of President Julius Maada Bio and his ministers are all excited to participate in the process.

Dr. Yumkella -an agricultural scientist and former Chairman UN Energy,and two-term Director-General of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO), was recently  appointed by President Bio to serve as Chairman of the newly-created Climate Change, Renewable Energy,  and Food Security Office at State House.

Copyright © 2023 Politico (23/10/23)
