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Kamboi Eagles get new team bus

By Mohamed Jaward Nyallay

Kamboi Eagles have received a new team bus on Saturday in Kenema. The bus was donated to the team by Chief Minister Professor David Francis, who hails from the district.

Team officials say the bus will play a key role in alleviating the transportation expenditure on it.

Ali-el-Ali (Aliloma), team manager of Eagles, told Politico in an interview that "this will help us greatly in terms of expenditure on transportation, especially for away games."

Aliloma said on match days the team spends up to Le50 million on away matches just on transportation.

Kamboi Eagles is one of the two Premier League teams in the Eastern region and the only one in Kenema district.

The team has a huge following in the country. Talks about the bus started since last year. During the presentation, Prof. Francis said this is part of his contribution to ensure the team gets back to the top.

The Eagles now join Blackpool, Lions, Old Edwardians and a few others which have a team bus.

On how the bus will be managed, Aliloma said the management of the team will have to meet and decide on that.

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