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Deputy Justice Minister refutes Bio’s third term ambition

  • Alpha Sesay, Deputy Justice Minister

By Sorie Ibahim Foafanah

The Deputy Minister of Justice, Alpha Sesay has dispelled rumors over President Julius Maada Bio’s ambition to run for a third term as President of Sierra Leone.

Updating the press about the Constitutional Review Process at the Ministry of Information and Civic Education’s weekly press briefing held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 14th May 2024, the minister noted that members of the public believe it to be a ploy by the President to tamper with the constitution in a bid to extend his term of office. He also debunked rumors that President Bio wants to extend his second term tenure to 7 years.

He further refuted the rumor about the President’s desire to tamper with the 1991 Constitution, saying he has good faith to review the constitution.

"The President hasn't commenced the Constitutional Review Process yet, he has only made a pronouncement to start the process,’’ he said.

The deputy Justice minister emphasized that the Lome Peace Agreement  and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) recommended for a review of the national constitution, that saw Late President Ahmad Tejan Kabbah set up the Peter Tucker Committe for the review process.

He said former President Ernest Bai Koroma also set up the Justice Cowan Constitutional Review committee that started its work in 2013 and submitted its report in 2017. He said t some of the recommendations made in the whitepaper of the Committee have been implemented by President Bio, highlighting the steps taken from the recommendations such as the repealing of the Criminal Libel Law, Abolition of the Death Penalty among others. 

“So when President Bio took over governance in 2018, he promised to complete the Constitutional Review Process,” Sesay noted. 

He said the committee is on the technical aspect of the review process, saying its non-entrenched provisions will be tabled in Parliament for debate, but has to go through a referendum.

In her statement, the Human Rights Commissioner, Simitie Lavaly said that her commission deems the national constitution "very important.” She emphasized that the 1991 Constitution was none participatory, noting that there are some good provisions in the said constitution.

She affirmed that they want a time frame for the Constitutional Review Process.

“I hope that the Ministry of Justice will end the process in one year time,” she emphasized.

She noted that the commission has its scorecard where they evaluate the government on issues of human rights. She urged citizens to take responsibility of their civic roles. 

Copyright © 2024 Politico (15/05/24)
