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CRS, US, supports Free Quality Education scheme

By Kemo Cham

The Catholic Relief Services has announced the commencement of the 4th phase of the ‘All Pikin for Learn’ project under the US Government funded McGovern Dole Food for Education program.

Phase 3 of the project was concluded with the donation of a consignment of school supplies worth USD $202, 541.94.

The donated items included 5, 400 government aligned and approved text books, 10, 367 teaching and learning materials, and school furniture (desks, tables, chairs). The donated items were presented to the government in a symbolic handing over ceremony on 29 June in the northern town of Kabala, the district capital of Koinadugu.

Daniel Mumuni, CRS’ Acting Country Representative, spoke about the importance of education and why the efforts of development partners like his organization were crucial to attaining this.  

“Education is key and unlocks the potentials of every child in Sierra Leone,” he said, before officially declaring closed the McGovern Dole Food for Education Phase 3 and commencement of the 4th Phase.

This latest phase of the US-funded project, according to CRS, is expected to run until September 2022, targeting 309 schools and feeding 69, 731 students to boost their enrollment and academic performance.

The United State Embassy in Freetown said in a statement announcing this development that the move is part of the US-government’s support towards Sierra Leone’s effort to provide its citizens quality education which is at the heart of unlocking every child’s potential and breaking the cycle of poverty which affects over 70% of children in the country.

The McGovern Dole Food for Education program is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) with the objective of improving school attendance, especially among girls, reduce hunger, and improve literacy in primary education. Over 30 million students, parents and teachers have benefitted from the program across the world since 2002.

In Sierra Leone, since 2008 the program has successfully improved school attendance, especially among girls, reduced hunger, and improved literacy in primary education.

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