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Chief, ex-Councilor to appear in court today

By Hajaratu Kalokoh

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has indicted two people in Kono for corruption.

Chief Sahr Quee, Town Chief of Kensay Community in Koidu Town, was fingered alongside Sundu Yungai, a former Councilor in the same community. The due are facing three count charges of corruption, which include misappropriation of donor property and conspiracy to commit a corrupt act.

They are expected to appear today at the High Court in Koidu, according to a statement from the Commission announcing their indictment on Wednesday.

The accused allegedly conspired to deprive their community.

Details provided in the ACC release notes that former Minister of Lands, Country Planning, and the Environment, Diana Konomanyi, in 2018 provided 20 Lengths of Half-Inch Iron Rods, and Five Bundles of Zinc, meant for the rehabilitation of the Kensay Community Barray in Kono, which the two people allegedly converted for personal use.

“Our investigation confirms that the accused persons received the aforesaid building materials from Hon. Konomanyi but decided to convert same for their personal benefits. Chief Quee and Ms. Sundu Yongai, with other persons unknown, on a date or dates unknown in 2018, conspired to dishonestly appropriate the said building materials, thereby depriving the Kensay Community from enjoying a rehabilitated Community Center,” the release stated.

Kono is in the eastern region of the country, known for its reaches in diamonds.

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