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All laws to get gender dimension in Sierra Leone – GEWE bill proposes

  • President Bio launching the gender policy

By Nasratu Kargbo

The Minister of Gender and Children’s Affairs Manti Tarawalli has said that the Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) Bill has proposed that all laws should ensure that there is a gender dimension in them.

Speaking to journalists after the second reading of the bill entitled the ‘Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Act of 2021’ on the 9th November 2022 in parliament, she explained that  the bill seeks to ensure that all laws have aspects on gender issues ensuring that women are protected.

The Minister highlighted recent laws that were enacted that protect women, citing the Lands Right Act, Mines and Minerals Act and the Public Elections Act, noting that they seek to achieve the same for all other laws.

Giving an insight on what the bill seeks to achieve, the minister said they want to mainstream and design specific programmes to empower women. Speaking on the mainstreaming aspect, Tarawalli explained that they want to ensure that the gender demands and requirements are incorporated in every legislation in the country.

Whilst responding to a comment made by an MP during the debate about the bill being one that caters for only elite women, Tarawalli said that the bill protects all women. She cited the recently enacted Land Rights Act being beneficial to the rural women, stating that it allows women to own and inherit land in the provinces, unlike in the past. She stressed that the bill will be beneficial to the rural women because it will ensure that all laws include them.

Parliamentarian Lahai Marrah during debate said  the bill only favours elite women.

“If we are speaking for women, let us leave no one behind, cater for all, and don’t segregate” he said, and explained that he wants to see women in different rural areas being represented.

He urged that women in all rural areas be allowed to take part in chieftaincy elections and proposed that the Chieftaincy Act be amended.

According to Marrah making the law is important, but protecting women is even more essential. He mentioned Yabom Sesay,Dr. Sylvia Blyden, Lara Taylor –Pearceand  Yvonne Aki-Swayer and other women who according to him were not protected during certain moments.

All MPs that debated were in support of the bill which was then sent to the legislative committee.

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