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Air Cote d’Ivoire gets new jets

Interior of the Q400 Bombardier plane

By Tanu Jalloh 

Ivorian Minister of transport has unveiled the Q400, the third of four in the Bombardier family, at the south terminal of the Félix-Houphouët-Boigny International Airport, 16 kilometres south east of Abidjan.

Gaoussou Toure told journalists in Abidjan on Friday 29, January 2016 that the Air Cote d’Ivoire was the initiative of President Alassane Ouattara, a 74-year-old US trained economist, who came to power in a 2010.

“I will soon travel again to Canada to initiate more business deals especially after we have proven to be very reliable and have won their confidence,” the minister said, adding that the government wanted Air Cote d’Ivoire to make Abidjan the hub for air transport in the Western and Central African region.

Just 3 years into the airline business and after servicing 604, 170 passengers in Western and Central Africa in 2015 alone, the airliner is set to increase its fleet to 9 after purchase and delivery on 7 January of a third brand new Q400 NextGen aircraft.

The forth plane in the Q series, all manufactured at Bombardier’s facility headquartered in Montréal, Canada, will be delivered in March 2016, according to the Ivory Coast's national carrier. Bombardier is the world’s leading manufacturer of both planes and trains.

The partnership, comprising a state ownership of 65% represented on the board by 6 directors, Air France, the technical partner, holds 20% shares and GOLDENROD, an Ivorian private group, with 15%, represented by 2 directors each.

The company was established in May of 2012 and effectively started commercial operations in January 2013 with General Abdoulaye Coulibaly as president of the board of directors.

“We consider the company as a tool for regional integration and a proof that we can run a sustainable business. To guarantee that sustainability we will need capacity. This is why we have created a school where the best can be trained to become pilots and technicians and sent abroad for further training,” said Gen. Coulibaly.

“In all of this, our primary goal is to provide Ivorians with quality and affordable flights, target the markets in Western and Central Africa, increase the number of tourists who visit Abidjan to more than 1,000 per week and considerably cut down on the waiting time for passengers,” he said.

With a fleet of 4 Bombardier Q400 next generation aircraft, the world’s most modern turboprop, according to representatives of the manufacturers in Canada, and 5 airbuses of A320 family, the company’s managing director, Rene Decurey, said they were ready to increase international flight destinations from 18 to 23 and from three to five locally.

(C) Politico 02/02/16
