ufofana's picture
30% women in Sierra Leone’s youthful new cabinet

  • President Julius Maada Bio

By Nasratu Kargbo

In the latest announcement from the Office of President Julius Maada Bio, eight women have been appointed ministers with full cabinet and other appointment positions.

The list which was published on Saturday 15th July 2023 had twenty-six names of ministers, with twenty-one being ministers with full cabinet rank. Thirteen out of the twenty-one are male, whilst eight are female.  

The Former Minister of Western Region Nabeela F. Tunis has been appointed the new Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs succeeding another woman Dr. Memunatu Pratt.  Princess Dugba who was the then Deputy Minister of Health is now the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources, replacing Emma Kowa.

Two men, Ibrahim Nyelenkeh and Francis Kai Kai the then Ministers of Sports and Planning and Economic Development respectively were replaced by women Augusta James Teima and Kenyeh Ballay.  

Dr. Isata Mahoi is appointed  Minister of Gender and Children’s Affairs; she succeeds the newly appointed Minister of State in the Office of the Vice President Manty Tarawalli. Another woman Haja Salimatu Bah becomes Minister of Communication Technology and Innovation; a separation of  the former Ministry of Information and Communications.

Another woman Melrose Karminty now heads the Ministry of Social Welfare succeeding Baindu Dassama, whilst Dr. Sao-Kpato Hannah Max-Kyne is named Minister of Water Resources and Sanitation succeeding Philip Karimu Lansana.

In the rank of Deputy Minister, six women were appointed; Dr. Jalikatu Mustapha and Dr. Theresa T. Dick are to occupy the positions of Deputy Minister of Health II and Deputy Minister (1) of Agriculture and Food Security respectively.

Former Deputy Minister of Trade and Industry Haja Isata Abdulai Kamara is appointed in the same capacity at the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources.  

Ministries of Housing and Country Planning, Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Lands and Works and Public Assets are all deputized by women, namely: Phylis Kapu, Kadiatu G. A. Kamara and Queen Fofana respectively.

Other Ministers that were transferred to other ministries include Mohamed R. Swaray who was moved from the then Ministry of Information and Communications to the Ministry of Employment, Labour and Social Security.

Amongst persons who were sacked but now appointed in different capacities are the Former Minister of Lands Dennis Sandy, who is the new Minister of Works and Public Assets and the then Executive Director of Sierra Leone Roads Safety Authority Ibrahim Sannoh now appointed Deputy Minister of Communication, Technology and Innovation.

Some big names retained in the same ministries include the Minister of Energy Alhaji Kanja Sesay, Minister of Lands,Housing and Country Planning Dr. Turad Senesie and the Minister of Health and Sanitation Dr. Austin Demby.

Other big names in the former cabinet who have been dropped are Dr. Memunatu Pratt, David Panda Noah and Alpha Osman Timbo, the then Ministers of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Internal Affairs and Employment, Labour and Social Security, respectrively.  

Popular politicians , the former Leader of National Grand Coalition (NGC) in Parliament Dr. Kandeh Yumkella has been appointed Chairman, Presidential Initiative for Climate Change, Renewable Energy and Food Security.

Ahaji Alpha Kanu who had served as Presidential Spokesman and Minister in various ministries in the government of former President Ernest Bai Koroma, was retained as Presidential Spokesman.  

The country now has a total of nine women with full cabinet rank and eleven as deputy ministers.

Women’s right campaigners last week expressed dissatisfaction over the initial appointments made by the president, citing that women can as well effectively serve as substantive ministers instead of deputies. 

Copyright © 2023 Politico (17/07/23)
