By Hajaratu Kalokoh
Following several engagements with the Students’ Union Government, the Fourah Bay College administration has agreed to reduce extra charges.
The union made the announcement in a press statement on Sunday, after hours of deliberations. It says they were able to achieve the reduction in this year's composite fee.
“Examination fee has been reduced from Le300, 000 to Le 200,000, medical fees from Le200, 000 to Le 100,000” the statement says.
The students thought the professional fee of Le 500,000 applied to all of them. It turned out only those in the Mass Communications department would have to pay that.
Two weeks ago students at the college staged a protest alleging that there had been a high increment in tuition fees by the administration. An allegation that the university authorities denied in a press statement noting that there had been no increase in tuition fees. However, there were extra charges such as library, ICT, examination fees etc. amounting to Le900, 000.
The SU Minister of Information, Sulaiman Gbla told Politico that although they were expecting more from the government, the deduction they achieved marked progress.
“I was expecting better than this [deduction] but I am sure the reduction is timely and it will help students a lot,” he said.
The negotiation did not just include talks on composite fees, they also sought update about the student hostels and the current situation about electricity meters.
“Meters for students' hostels have been pre-financed and negotiations are still ongoing, especially with water supply. The Vice Chancellor assured that students would soon return to their hostels,” a statement from the SUG stated.
Director of Media and International Relations at the University of Sierra Leone (USL), Tonya Musa told Politico that students had misunderstood the professional fees to be paid by every student.
“The professional fee, which is Le500, 000 was misconstrued to be for every student [but] it is only for two departments D Pharm at COMAHS and Mass Com at FBC. But the students initially thought it was meant for everybody”, he said.
On the hostel meters, he said they would let the public know when available.
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