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Kidnappings raise alarm in Pujehun, southern Sierra Leone

  • Pujehun Police Station

By Mohamed T. Massaquoi 

Police and civil society activists in the country's southern Pujehun district say they are worried about the "unusual kidnapping" of children in the district recently. 

"We are worried about students walking long distances out of the reach of the school buses to reach schools in the district headquarter towns. We as civil society organizations totally condemn the act of kidnapping, most especially the vulnerable group [children]," said Ibrahim Swaray, the Pujehun District Civil Society Coalition Chairman.  

With the reopening of schools, the situation could threaten the safety of children going to schools.

Activists have connected the unusual circumstance to the pending Paramount Chieftaincy elections in the district. 

"We are concerned with the pending elections for Paramount Chiefs in Kabonde and Barri Chiefdoms. This has not been in existence, but just when the elections are coming then there is this target now on children," he said.  

From the de-amalgamation, the district was left with one pending election which is the Kabonde Chiefdom. This chiefdom initially formed part of Kpanga Karbonde which is responsible for the district headquarters. 

Within the process for election to be held, two other chiefdoms: Kpanga and Barri lost their Paramount Chiefs and this has mounted tension among rightful families in taking over the thrones. 

“We are closely following activities within these communities; Dandabu and Barri, which was not reported. It is a security threat as it target children and now schools have reopened and the farming activity is at the peak," Swaray explained to Politico. 

The Police Crime Officer attached to the Pujehun main Divisional Headquarters told Politico that for the month of September, which is the start of the current kidnapping situation, they have received three different reports from community members in Dandabu Bakoi and Bengie, all in the Kpanga Chiefdom.

Dandabu, which is nine miles to the district headquarters, account for two of the reported cases. 

The Assistance Superintendence of Police, Daniel Elka Jusu, said among the three reported cases, they have only arrested one perpetrator for one of the cases. Jusu said they are going to charge him to court for felony. 

ASP Jusu said the three different cases involved a 3 year old, a 12 year old and an elderly woman.

"Unfortunately, for the one in custody, he was caught with the three-year-old child," said the police local boss.  

He said through the efforts of community members other two victims were also brought to the police alive. 

However, he refused to associate the incidences to the pending Chieftaincy elections. 

But Swaray said they are going to undertake community engagements involving the District Security Coordination Committee and other stakeholders as a measure to alert the people on how to curb the "unfortunate" situation. 

He added that this will also go with robust radio sensitization and the enforcement of bye laws.

Pujehun has in the past recorded several cases of missing people.

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