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Residents plead for a proper bridge in Freetown suburb of Kamayama

  • The dilapidated Kamayama Bridge

By Hajaratu Kalokoh

Residents of Kamayama community have intensified their call to the government to construct a bridge that is safe for them.

Since the founding of the community, its inhabitants have relied on wooden bridges, which have been replaced repeatedly.

The current bridge, constructed before 2017, is in a dilapidated state. It used to stand on three pillars but one of them was washed away during the 2017 mudslide and flooding. The floor of the bridge, which is made up of wood, is gradually deteriorating.  

The Kamayama community is a subdivision of Lumley, located in the Western Area. The area is divided into three segments; Upper Kamayama, Pentagon and Jah Kingdom. The bridge connects Upper Kamayama to the other two areas.

Now, the bridge is barely strong enough for people to cross. Kamayama residents say they want it to be fixed so that vehicles can also go across.

“The most important thing I want to say to government is that we need help because I believe that if the bridge is motorable there will be more development. For me the most important thing in this community is the bridge. We want a motorable bridge, not only a footpath bridge,” Abu Gad Bangura, founder of Jah Kingdom, explained to Politico.

According to Bangura, historically when he found the community, the bridge was made up of palm trees but was later upgraded to concrete pillars underneath.

“We upgraded the pillars from palm trees to cement so that we can have a better way to cross, especially for our children who go to school in different parts of the city,” he said.

Kamayama was one of the communities that suffered the brunt of the 2017 disaster. Bangura said the flooding, which washed away one of the pillars of the bridge, left the entire structure weakened.

Residents who ply the bridge daily say it is a scary experience for them.

“I am terrified of the bridge, whenever there is rain it gets slippery. I have fell on the bridge two times and whenever I think of those accidents it terrifies me more,’’ Mariama Koroma, a trader told Politico.

“We are roughly over 5000 and this is the only bridge we have. I am pleading to the government to help us build this bridge as quick as possible because we are facing constrains,” she added.

The community is part of Constituency 132. The Member of Parliament in charge, Hon. Ibrahim Tawah Conteh, said the bridge is his next project. He said the reconstruction project had to be delayed because of the rainy season.

“As I speak, it is one of the things that are on top of my agenda in terms of mobilizing fund, because the number of people in Jah Kingdom and Pentagon that are using the bridge have increased,” he said.

“We will start work on October. I hope and pray that all things being equal before the start of the rain season next year, there will be a [proper] bridge,” Conteh added.

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