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FBC expels, rusticates 13 students

By Chernor Alimamy Kamara

One of the constituent colleges of the University of Sierra Leone (USL), Fourah Bay College (FBC) has expelled and rusticated 13 students from the institution for various crimes committed during their stay on campus.

A notice signed by the Deputy Registrar of FBC, Brima Bah on the 26th of June 2024 revealed the outcomes of the College Discipline Committee’s Investigations into various students’ non-academic disciplinary matters during the 2023/2024 academic year

A case of open use of abusive language and fighting in front of the Obelisk Café on Campus was investigated by the disciplinary committee and it found 4 students culpable.

The students found guilty are; Adiza Blessing Abodi, a 1st-year student from Social Work, Amarachuku Linus and another 1st-year student from Engineering & Architecture were expelled from the University.

Chenyere E. Linus, a Certificate student from Population Studies and Fatu Madienna Bangura, a 2nd-year student from the Faculty of Media & Information Studies, were also expelled from the University.

Also, 5 students were investigated by the Committee for Defamation of the Character of another Student.

A 4th Year Engineering & Architecture student, Judith James and   Josephus Daniel Koroma, were all expelled from the University for the aforementioned Offence.  

However, Binta Bah, a 3rd-year student in Sociology, Yeaniva Agnes Lahai, 2nd Year, Diploma in Gender Studies, and Zainab Barrie, a 3rd-year student from the Faculty of Economics and Development, were all Rusticated for two academic years (2023/2024 & 2024/2025) for the same offence of defamation of character.

Sylvester Eku Shaw, a 4th year Law student, was found guilty of assaulting a Francia Security Guard at the Students’ Hostels and has been rusticated for one academic year (2023/2024), whilst Prince Sheriff, from the Faculty of Engineering & Architecture (Civil), was also found wanting for the same assault crime and rusticated for two academic years (2023/2024 & 2024/2025).

The following set of students, Cecil Franklyn Macauley, a 3rd year student from the Faculty of Arts and Thomasia Patricia Moije, a 1st year Sociology student have all been rusticated for one academic year each (2023/2024) for openly quarrelling on campus.

In an interview with Politico, the Deputy Registrar noted that the affected students have the right to appeal their cases to the disciplinary committee and that if they won their appeals, the decision to expel and rusticate them will be overturned.

He said students' stay on campus is governed by rules and regulations and they must at all times abide by them, saying breach of the rules will result in an investigation and the appropriate penalty levied on them. He encouraged students who feel infringed upon by other students or any member of staff to file an official complaint to the administration, instead of taking matters into their hands.

It could be recalled that sometime this year, a brawl at Fourah Bay College (FBC) campus between students circulated on social media showing them in a video exchanging blows in the presence of many onlookers, which the disciplinary committee has investigated and hence came up with the penalties.

Copyright © 2024 Politico (01/07/24)
