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TWITTER, the Gossip (09/05/13)


Whilst assembling our TWITTER comments last night, we were unable to find out if the PPRC was invited to the recent APC convention in Freetown. You know since the convention ended we’ve been waiting for the PPRC to make some comments about the event to the people on whose behalf they operate. But Lord Thompson is unusually very quiet about all the unopposed and political massaging that went on at the great convention.

Please the PPRC should not tell us this is an internal party matter. We have lots of evidence of that commission making statements about the state of democracy in other parties so they cannot now pull back because it concerns De Pa’s party. The PPRC did comment on that midnight NDA “convention” at a night club in Freetown and even said something to the effect that they weren’t invited to the event. So they now understand where we are coming from.

We are beginning to understand why it’s so difficult sometimes for the RED MOVEMENT to uphold true democracy on the national stage. Even at the micro level, they can’t allow free expression by way of ballots.


It was the worst kept secret that Chief Sidikie was going to have a no-show at the APC convention. Slowly but surely, De Pa has swept Chief Sidikie off his political feet and even though he is sitting in a huge mansion close to Regent in the suburbs of Freetown and drives to town with police escort to the office of the Vice President, the Chief is a very worried man.

With Kono gone by the grace of almighty Diana Queen of Konoland, his boys under severe pressure including occasional visits to Pademba road prison and people in other parts of the country not particularly interested in his plight, Chief Sidikie needs urgent help.

He has no party post and with his political enemies occupying the most sensitive ones, he has no other option but to fight to the finish.

In those early days when the Chief was the Shining Star from the east with his strange American accent, any suggestion that no Vice President in Sierra Leone had ever succeeded his boss to the throne, his supporters were quick to point out that this VP was a different character and he would change the course of history. Now we know he will surely go the way of the other Vice Presidents.

We have heard from people close to him that he will fight back. He must watch the timing, the trenches from which he will launch his attacks, the quality of arsenal and his end game. We are your secret admirers, chief. We wish you all the best in this unstable game called politics.


So De Pa has now been widely quoted in some newspapers as having categorically rejected any suggestion he would run for a third term against the dictates of the 1991 constitution. But you know; he still hasn’t done what many expect him to do. And that is to tell the nation he had absolutely nothing to do with FAILED LOGUS KOROMA’S media statement in the days and hours leading up to the convention about this possible third term for De Pa. That’s the issue.

Like in George Orwell’s Animal Farm, it’s easy to blame everything on Mr Jones, in this case the opposition - in reality the SLPP. But as we know what happened in Animal Farm, the real problem was not just farmer Jones but those who took over from him once he was overthrown.

The real problem here is FAILED LOGUS KOROMA, and his ilk, who ignited this issue on Universal Radio and SLBC TV. When the man who was trusted to coordinate De Pa’s re-election campaign tells us he sees no problem with the guy running for a third term, we have to take him seriously especially because the boss himself refused to set the records straight immediately. In fact what has been attributed to De Pa so far is not enough. He must directly respond to FAILED LOGUS KOROMA. By the way we hear he has joined the Kono Poro society. May be to further emasculate Chief Sidikie. Hahahah. Suck tit. Morneh Oh!

We don’t blame the opposition or anybody from any corner of Sierra Leone. When you hold a red rag in front of a bull, he will charge at it. We are all citizens of Sierra Leone.


We are becoming increasingly frustrated with these so-called football stakeholders who are running around organising what they call SUPER LEAGUE. Your super league is not the Sierra Leone Premier league. We want the Sierra Leone Premier League to begin right now.

You see, we understand what these stakeholders are up to and the Football Association must never allow them to carry out this wicked plan. The stakeholders (well that’s what they call themselves), want to take over the running of the game from the FIFA-appointed Normalisation Committee and the FA Secretariat, and use that powerful position to complete the capture of the Football Association.

They started by asking for the head of Victor Lewis who everybody agrees did a great job running the last league; emboldened by that they made further demands that were basically unacceptable. In pursuit of this objective they energised their media base and soon the FA was under severe attack.

We hold no brief for the FA. They have their own faults but corner leagues are not the way to go. These “stakeholders” must work with the Normalisation Committee and get the league going. Stop this corner football now.


If the government’s plan goes though the Pademba Road prisons will soon be relocated to somewhere outside Freetown. We ask: What else will be relocated with that jail and what will happen to the present structure?

It’s generally a good idea to move the prison from that strategic part of Freetown to stop constantly reminding people of the human misery behind those walls.

We know people locked up there have no business being there but they’ve been unlucky to fall victim to a judicial system that is so slow that sometimes we wonder if using traditional courts will not serve better. We have more people on remand there than are actually tried and convicted. That imbalance is difficult to understand.

Before the walls of the jail are put down, as they will almost certainly be, Minister Sheka Tarawallie should ask his colleague Saint Bayuku of Kabala to put it up for tourism. Many people will like to get in there and be taken on a tour of that notorious jail which used to house ten times more people than its capacity and turned them to more hardened criminals than they were when they went on. So much for remedial custody.

It should be open in that way for a whole year and see how much money will come from that.

Pupils should all go and see. Don’t say we didn’t tell you. Part of that money can be used to improve the Dance Troupe village at Aberdeen which is now worse than the prison.

Please Bayuku, people coming from abroad with their cameras to produce films must pay more. Remember to also hire very honest prison officers as tour guides. Let them tell us the truth about the place and we promise not to call for their prosecution for torture and other forms of inhuman treatment.

When the Politico team arrives at the gates for viewing, the first place we will like to see is FODAY SANKOH’S former cell.
