
Securing our Security Forces

By Umaru Fofana

Sierra Leone’s security forces – especially its military and the police – have come a very long way since the bloody civil war days. Considering where we were just a few years ago, it is a huge transformation even if there still exist some teething issues to be addressed.

Please clear mess at the presidency

By Umaru Fofana

Like with the Criminal and Seditious Libel Law of 1965, any opposition politicians will see as a bane a certain provision of Sierra Leone’s Electoral Laws Act of 2002, but when they get into office they bay for its retention with bated dedication and it changes from being an anachronism to becoming a law of extreme necessity.

Minor political parties, major political problems

By Umaru Fofana

Two minority parties may be biting more than they can chew – being sometimes overly ambitious – but they also seem bogged down is some conundrum that does not look good for the health of a nascent democracy such as ours.

If I were Musa Tarawallie

On Monday evening there was a groundswell of rumour in Freetown and on some chat forums around the world that Minister of Internal Affairs Musa Tarawallie had been sacked. Wishful thinking, obviously, but the fact is that all those I spoke to in my bid to authenticate the story hardly had any sympathy with the minister at all. It turned out, ostensibly, not to be true. But it reminded me of a fable handed down to me by the grandma about a man who pretended that he was dead just so he would hear people’s impression about him.

Our FOI Bill still being bowled

By Umaru Fofana


In Parliament it lies. Covered in dust. Forgotten by the legislature. Suffocated by the executive. Besmirched by the judiciary. Unchallenged by the opposition. They all seem complicit. With all sides prevaricating no one is advocating. Our Freedom of Information Bill is all but killed.


