
100 days to go: cheers or tears

By Umaru Fofana

This is not about the Nick Hughes movie about the genocide in Rwanda – 100 Days. Nor is it about anything that apocalyptic. This is about our democracy and how far it has matured, or not, over the years. But beneath the veneer of that democracy belies the acrid reality which moves people to vote ethnicity and region and not sincerity and nation.

NEC is further corrupting our politics

By Umaru Fofana

I hate criticising the National Electoral Commission because already the nature of what they do, like what we journalists do, is enough to attract a deluge of lambasting especially from politicians. One of the reasons James Jonah succeeded in holding elections here in 1996, even if not the most perfect of polls, was because the media was on his side even when a lot of the elements within the military junta then could not be said to have been supportive of him.

... Land that we hate our Sierra Leone

By Umaru Fofana

“High we exalt thee, realm of the free; Great is the love we have for thee; Firmly united ever we stand...Land that we love our Sierra Leone”.

These words to our national anthem are perhaps the words we have been most insincere with and among the most abused by us. Our behaviour as citizens leaves a lot to be desired. If Sierra Leone were a human being it would have protested. Often we pay lip service to her. More often we betray her.

Poor in health, health in poverty

By Umaru Fofana

There is an outbreak of cholera in the country at present. The number of cases keeps rising with nearly 2% of them so far killed (see front page story). It is one of those things about which I can write a story today and keep the script for next year and change only the figures. Check this:

With the First Mother laid to rest…

By Umaru Fofana

There is hardly any consensus that I know of, over whether the term “First Mother” is accepted in the English language to mean the mother of the president of a country. While some argue that it relates more to the biological mother of an adopted child, others say it follows the logic that if a president’s wife is called First Lady then his mother is the First Mother, his daughter the First Daughter, etc. I have to say that I just like the phrase First Mother when it refers to the president’s mother. Anyway…

