Business And Economy

Banking Act 2012: Regulations & Powersof BSL

By Tanu Jalloh

When, in my last article, I attempted to look at regulations in the financial sector or banking industry in Sierra Leone, I drew my premises from across the world with particular references to countries like United States of America, The United Kingdom and Nigeria, to drive home my arguments for a secure transactional environment.

Financial insecurity, banks & regulations

By Tanu Jalloh

Even in the most secure environment of financial services, dealing with problems of insecurity around the operations of banks and other financial institutions would hinge on the strength of the set of regulationsthat governs the industry. But the capacity of who administers the law is a different ballgame altogether, depending, of course, on the level of regulatory sophistication and political will that exist.

Costing a knowledge-based economy in Salone

By Tanu Jalloh

With limited natural resources and the conviction that human capital is the most dependable factor of production and development, the East Asia region invested in their people to produce knowledge-based economies. But what have been some of the challenges investing in the people of Sierra Leone and growing its economy over the years?

100 days: Our economy and the elections

By Tanu Jalloh

In the United States of America where elections are due in three months, the economy, job and wealth creation have featured among the most prominent factors that are likely to determine the attitude of voters. It is fast emerging as the key battleground for the 2012 polls. The economy, the world over, is usually a weatherglass of stable, progressive and working nations. It is often used to project the overall growth of a people.

Towards Regulating Mobile Telephony

By Tanu Jalloh

No doubt post-war Sierra Leone is experiencing the full potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in what I have come to call a mobile phone revolution. But what has regulation or competition played to engender quality service delivery? Let’s read what some experts felt some three years ago.

