Business And Economy

Building viable local councils through sustainable revenue generation

By Tanu Jalloh

During a recent week-long oversight outreach the parliamentary accounts committee encouraged local councils to improve on their revenue generating strategies for sustainable governance and improved service delivery.

The apparent fear of systems failure, stemming from some outstanding queries put forward by the Auditor General’s Report of 2014, was that these local governance structures risked dissolution instead of devolution. If this happens, it might negatively affect local economic development.

OTI on EITI standards 2016

By Tanu Jalloh, Lead Consultant, OTI-Sierra Leone

The Open Tax Initiative (OTI-Sierra Leone) is a media-led project of the National Advocacy Coalition on Extractives and Free Media Group that seeks to promote openness in tax administration using investigative reporting and advocacy journalism.

Sierra Leone: Fuel subsidies, fuel prices

By Tanu Jalloh

Almost exactly one year ago I wrote an article reacting to government’s decision at the time to reduce fuel pump price from Le4,500 to Le3,750 only because the price of crude oil had slumped from $100 in august 2014 to $48 a barrel in January, 2015. I said it was not only not wise, but also not strategic.

Risks around ‘Agenda for Prosperity’

By Tanu Jalloh 

Did you know that Sierra Leone’s Agenda for Prosperity (A4P), with a vision to attain a middle income status in 2035, was actually aspiring to be where Ghana was in 2010? This in essence could only mean that Sierra was over two decades behind Ghana.

