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Two killed in Sierra Leone capital, police make no headway

By Hajaratu Kalokoh

Two bodies have been found at the premises of the Sierra Fishing Company at Kissy Dockyard in Freetown. They were discovered on Tuesday 23rd October but the news has only just emerged.

One of the deceased, Aruna Kargbo, 27, was reportedly stabbed by a man known as Amara. The body of Amara was also later found dead in the same compound on the same day.

Eyewitness accounts suggest the deaths happened very early in the morning with just an hour separating the two killings. The circumstances surrounding the deaths have provoked several theories which have baffled the police.

The result of the postmortem examination on Aruna’s body showed that the stabbing led to massive bleeding from the neck, which eventually led to his death. Aruna was buried by his family on Monday, October 28, the same day the postmortem examination was done.

Police told Politico that relatives of Amara have not come forward to identify his body. They said that as a result they hadn’t ordered a postmortem yet.

An uncle of the late Aruna, Aruna Bangura, also told Politico that his deceased nephew had met his death when he went outside their house to respond to a woman crying for help.

Bangura said: “Aruna’s wife had gone to fetch water around 5:00pm, as it was raining on the day Aruna was murdered. After his wife had fetched the water, she locked the door. Aruna told his wife that he could hear noise outside, and his wife confirmed that she also heard the noise. His wife warned him not to go outside because it was still early. But Aruna insisted on going outside, and after a few minutes his wife was informed that he had been killed.”

Aruna’s widow, Martha Kargbo, was too distraught to talk. Family members said she was still trying to deal with the sudden loss of her husband.

“When we were informed about the situation; we tried to investigate what had happened. We found two deceased bodies and we were told that the other deceased (Amara) had been violently attacking a woman and the woman was shouting for help. So Aruna went to help and got stabbed in the process”, Bangura continued.


He said that following Aruna’s stabbing there was an ensuing moment of commotion during which Amara might have been killed by neighbors who saw him killing Aruna.

Bangura’s secondhand account suggests that Amara was assaulting a woman, and that Aruna came outside to rescue the victim of that apparent physical assault, which eventually led to his death.

The woman who Aruna seemed to have been helping has still not been seen.

“The woman Aruna was allegedly helping is nowhere to be found. She is the prime witness to testify that Aruna was murdered in the process of helping her from Amara’s assault. However, explanations from neighbors did not even mention that woman,” Bangura said, sounding bewildered.

Some have suggested that the woman crying for help could have just been a decoy to lure Aruna out of his house.

A police detective at Ross Road Police Station, Soriba Kamara explained to Politico on Friday that the two deceased were engaged in a fight, and in the process Amara stabbed Aruna.

Detective Kamara’s account is one of many surrounding the incident: “On the same day, the body of Amara was also discovered at the same Fishery compound after he had been allegedly beaten to death by some angry youths at Kissy Dockyard. Investigation is still ongoing. As for Amara, we have not seen his relatives. We have made inquiries about his family, but nobody has come forth to identify Amara’s corpse”.

Politico contacted Detective Kamara on Monday and he said they hadn’t been able to make any arrests almost a week since the incident. He said they had since tried to convince people in the community to come forward with any information on both murders, but that they had not been successful.

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