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Twitter the Sierra Leone Gossip (18/12/19)


So since August this year two Caribbean guys have been detained at the CID after being dumped here by US immigration in what we think was a deportation process gone very wrong. We have seen documents that clearly showing the guys are from the Caribbean with absolutely no links to Sierra Leone. How did they end up behind bars at the CID in Freetown?

The intriguing thing is that they both have Sierra Leonean traveling certificates apparently issued by our embassy in Washington. We’ve been in touch with thee deportees through our contacts for several months now. The Caribbean guys arrived have on the same flight with several real Sierra Leoneans deportees from Trump country.. The Sierra Leoneans were processed and sent home to their cassava leaves and crain-crain while the two Caribbean guys who are half-way around the world from home were given temporary shelter at the CID of all places.

We understand our foreign ministry is working the phones and passing papers here and there to help these people return home but for how much longer? Surely we should inevitably ask the question how it was that the Caribbean guys were deported to this country on Sierra Leonean papers prepared by our embassy in Trump country. We have seen electronic copies of their emergency traveling certificates and there are certain interesting materials on them.

In the face of this very big blunder from Trump Land we should do the following:

1. Quickly re-arrest all those deported from Trump country alongside these Caribbean guys and screen them properly. We just want to be sure that no foreigners from some African countries found their way into good old Sierra Leone and are living here illegally.

2. We should investigate what happens at our embassy out there when our people are being prepared for deportation. We are really concerned about just how those two foreigners were sent here on Sierra Leonean papers.

3. Having discovered they are not Sierra Leoneans why not send them back to Trump country or their own country? They have family there.

4. Would we be reading too much into this to suggest that it is very possible that some Sierra Leoneans may have been mistakenly deported to other countries in this same way?

5. By the way, how many Sierra Leoneans are now lined up for deportation from Trump country? We keep getting scary figures. All we can say to them is, when immigration people turn up at your door to deport you please cooperate with them. You are welcome back home. Long live Mama Salone!


Our big guys – particularly politicians have finally switched off their phones as Christmas approaches. They don’t want to have to deal with people calling to ask for Christmas money. Those that have not switched off have simply passed their phones over to their personal assistants who constantly tell people the minister is in a meeting or is on his way to State House for an emergency meeting with Principal.

To be a politician in this country is not easy. Throughout the year groups of people turn up in ministries and parliament, harassing ministers and MPs for jobs and handouts. The politicians are under pressure to meet some of those demands or lose favor with party members. Anyway it was their decision to enter politics in Sierra Leone and it is their business to fight it out with those who continuously raid them for cash and favors.

Our business is to enjoy the sport and write about it when we feel like. In fact, we have some ideas on how to track those politicians that are now running away from their people because Christmas is here. We charge no fees for this.

1. Make sure you befriend their personal assistants and win their confidence. That way you will get the ministers’ secret telephone numbers. And never use your normal number to call even that secret number. They know the last three digits of all those people that regularly call them.

2. For the male politicians, look for the residence of their favorite pekitoes and ambush them around that place three times every week day. At weekends, simply travel to their home districts and wait outside their usual guest house.

3. Look for their normal joints in Freetown. All politicians have three or four places they hang out daily after work to catch up with colleagues and to get some gossip. Chase them there.

4. There are very influential ministers in this government. Other ministers try to keep in touch with them regularly. Once you are able to identify the influential ones, camp out near their homes at least twice and you are home and dry with the dodgers.

5. If all the strategies we have outlined above fail, go home and look for something else to do and make your own money. Depending on the pocket of other people for you daily survival is a very bad habit.


Sierra Leone Roads Authority should be prepared for a serious situation on the road leading to Fourah Bay College. We warn the SLRA not to even attempt to explain their action because we will certainly not understand them.

The humiliation of Fourah Bay College in terms of the quality of the road leading to that campus began in King Messi days. King Messi paid the Chinese to construct the road from the new Hillside Road ending just after the small bridge leading to the FBC campus. When people complained about the rest of the road following King Messi’s refusal to complete the road at Kortright, we were told the road was the private property of the college. In fact, King Messi’s government signed an agreement with the European Union to do the road from IMATT junction ending up at Kortright. The road through the campus was again left out.

Now the road to FBC campus is so bad that we have no hesitation to describe it as a scar on the conscience of King Messi. Something must be done now to right that wrong.

Let’s go back to this argument that the road is the private property of FBC. We don’t even want to hear that for the following reasons:

1. Since the work on Hill-Cot road project stalled, hundreds of government vehicles use the FBC road daily to enter central Freetown. All of that contributes to the destruction of the road.

2. There are huge communities at Leicester, Tree Planting and Gloucester who depend of the road through FBC for their daily commute.

3. What if the authorities at FBC woke up one morning and decided to cut off that road to rush hour traffic? Can anybody even begin to imagine the consequences?

4. Now, if the New Direction administration decides to buy into that warped King Messi idea about the road being the private property of FBC, we will urge the University and college authorities to strike a deal with any Chinese group to re-construct the road and erect two toll gates at both ends of road. Within a few years the loan will be repaid from monies collected mainly from government vehicles using the road.

5. Many people are fed up with the sight of strange construction companies measuring and marking the road all the time with zero construction taking place.


The temperature is rising again once again at the National Stadium. The Premier League started with little fanfare but the last match between Might Blackpool and East End Lions was a great advertisement for the league in particular and what has happened to football in the last two years. We congratulate the Premier League Board under Lawyer Allieu Vandy Koroma for what they have done so far.

The indications we are getting is that this is surely a different season. More fireworks on the way. Well done!

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