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TWITTER, the Gossip (24/04/14)


At least one newspaper suggested last week that Robin, the son of Fallay is bent on plunging this nation into another round of chaos. We agree. If that happens he and his paymasters - and we know them - will face the International Criminal Court.

After a very heavy meal, Rocking Robin went on radio and announced he would launch a campaign for the good people of Sierra Leone to give De Pa some "EXTRA TIME" at the end of his tenure in 2017. We haven't heard such contemptible rubbish since Foday Sankoh announced he was starting a war to liberate Sierra Leone from corruption and tribalism in 1991 - yet plunged it into further abyss and mayhem.

In the last presidential election, De Pa used the image of a football star - never mind his ignorance and complete lack of interest in the beautiful game - to win over the football-mad young voters of Sierra Leone. So we know the angle Rocking Robin is coming from with his "EXTRA TIME" project.

The longest time we have seen outside 90 minutes of football lasted only TEN minutes. And there were really significant delays caused by injuries and mindless arguments during the match to have warranted that. So in the spirit of Easter, we will probably be willing to consider a 10-minute extra time of play after the declaration of the result marking the end of De Pa's time in office (CERTAINLY NOT BY CHRISTIANA).

That should be time enough for him to walk from his bedroom to make a call to State House to give instruction for his box of papers to be put in his car for delivery at his private residence somewhere in Sierra Leone. Dubai maybe??? That's it.

Once again, we call on Rocking Robin to collect his fees and return to his hideout in Segbwema. This project will fail. This country is far too civilised for that kind of stupid unconstitutional nonsense.

Since this guy came out of prison for alleged electoral fraud simply because he declared for the Red Movement, he has been all over the place seeking attention - and position. We warn him that if he is not consumed by the fire he is starting now, we shall see him at The Hague and as guest of Her Majesty's Government. He will be hosted at Belmarsh Prison in 2020.


Every time the Berater goes on air, he gives us a lot of material to work with. We thank him very much for that. On slow news days, the Berater's waffle gives us something to chew on. We hope he doesn't get called to State House next week for a meeting with De Pa, like the guys at NASSIT who fought a bitter civil war to lead the institution, only to end up running a bad administration and playing with the people's money like BAD OSUSU MASTERS.

In his last outing on 98.1, the Berater categorically stated that "some journalists” went to see him to offer themselves to lead the media wing of the  AFTER YOU NAR YOU campaign. He said he basically chased them out, urging them to go back and read Section 46 (1) of the constitution of the 1991 Sierra Leone. Isn't this too good to be true considering the blood-letting going on in the Red Movement for term elongation and self-aggrandisement?

Here is a government that unleashes Vuvuzelas even for a water well dug in this third millennium, rejecting cheap Vuvuzela help for something we know they are actively considering. We say they are actively considering it because nobody has contradicted what Rocking Robin said on nationwide radio. WHY DIDN'T THE RED MOVEMENT REACT TO FALLAY IN THE SAME WAY THEY DID TO KAMARAINBA MANSARAY? And Robin is a national executive member of the Red Movement. We know the answer and will not allow the Berater to attempt to spin his way out. Here goes: KAMARAINBA IS TRYING TO BECOME PRESIDENT WHILE ROCKING ROBIN IS DE PA'S JOHN THE BAPTIST. THAT'S THE ANSWER. Hope his baptism water is not hot to peel off some scalp of De Pa.

The Red Movement responded to Kamarainba's campaign for the party leadership by issuing a public statement telling him to shut up and go away. We hear his membership card has not been renewed. And to Rocking Robin, zero reaction, well in public. In private, they pat him on the back saying, WELL DONE THOU GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT.

We wait for the Berater to name those journalists whom he claims offered themselves to join Rocking Robin's campaign - AFTER YOU NAR YOU. He must substantiate by exposing their names or we also make a wild allegation that SOME Ministry of Information officials are busy looting state resources and building houses and buying big cars with girlfriends fighting over them. Yes, if it is good for the goose it is as well good for the gander.

We Nor to Munku.


Well in all this, the people have been waiting for the official opposition party to lead their struggle against this seemingly unstoppable slide towards ONE PARTY, ONE MAN RULE. But we are sorry to proclaim to those same people that they have no portion in the Green Movement. To your homes, o people of Mama Salone!

Last week Osuofia, who flew in from London for Kabbah's burial was in Bo for a secondary school celebration. But he took time off to act like the president of the south. Next time OBBA programmes come around the highest form of MAC-P will be invoked.

Instead of leading the people's rejection of all attempts - real or imaginary - to destroy democracy in Sierra Leone, Osuofia was busy responding to queries from a Green Movement Grandee who accused his supporters of being rude to party members who disagree with Osuofia, even violent towards anybody who dreams of a Green Movement headed by a former Teacher and Trade Unionist or another Tejan Kabbah-type UN man. And the man he thrust upon the party as Chairman - Kapen - seems clueless in leading the party. And perhaps too broke to do so with any conviction. The same Survival Game in De Pa's land as the people suffer in penury.

This is a so-called opposition party that has no idea where it's going so it cannot lead anybody. At a time when the national constitution is about to be so grievously assaulted, the main opposition party is arguing about violent party members and manipulative leaders. Come on people, Sierra Leoneans will have no mercy come 2017.

There has to be a leader to take up the people's struggle. Bernie has said in open parliament that she is ready to support De Pa's Tower Hill Troops again and again and again. Hahahahahaha! Can you beat that? Green Movement is absolutely green! Flagbearer becoming puerile! House Minority Leader compromised and arrogant! National Chairman...well depthless and cavalier.  Whoever is planting the seed of discord is doing it with genius.

And please, let somebody tell PMDC not to try scoring any political points with the kind of press release they issued the other day on this AFTER YOU NAR YOU thing. We thank them for taking us to De Pa and then telling us a few years later: "I have failed" after striking a self-serving deal with him. So much for consistency in policy making. If the PMDC ever went to State House, we would have diplomatic relations with China on Monday and by Friday of the same week we would kick them out and bring in Taiwan. Confused?

As for the ventriloquist UDM leader, the least said about him and his party of like-minded...the better. What an agony for the Lion Mountain!


Make no mistake, David Moyes is very happy he's been sacked as manager of Manchester United. He's been through eleven months of hell. The media noise accompanying his departure will start dying down at the weekend when United come up against a determined Norwich side, fighting relegation. They could possibly do an unbelievable giant killing at Old Trafford. Keep your eyes open.

Moyes is gone but there are many in Manchester United shirts at Old Trafford who should be kicked out too. They have simply not proved themselves on the field and should not hide their poor form behind a manager who was frankly overwhelmed by his job as United Manager. The job was too big for him!

We believe that even Moyes was surprised that he was called up to replace Fergusson in the first place. The rot began under Fergie. For two seasons Fergusson knew his defence and midfield areas were bad but he kept riding his luck. Now, poor Mr. Moyes has been sacked, precisely for the consequences of those frailties - plus those of his own including his failure to attract the needed players and developing the required style for a team of the Red Devils' standing.

Well, we must add that at no time during his tenure was Moyes really in charge. He just pretended to be.

We propose that the mis-firing Pepe Mel, who is completely out of his depth at West Bromwich Albion be sacked and replaced with Moyes. Moyes is a mid-table coach, not a champions league man. Replacing Moyes will be easy but restoring confidence to the team and fans will require a lot more than carrying out a ruthlessly choreographed slaughter of a manager who was dead anyway.

(C) Politico 24/04/14
