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SLIEPA ends strategic planning meeting in Bo

By Politico staff writer 

The Sierra Leone Investment and Export Promotion Agency (SLIEPA) has ended a three day strategy planning retreat on 30 October 2021 at the Dohas Hotel in Bo.

At the opening ceremony, the Chief Executive Officer for SLIEPA, Sheku Lexmond Koroma said the program was targeted at achieving President Julius Maada Bio’s vision to ensure that the country moves in the right direction. He called for the full cooperation of all his staff saying that ‘without your cooperation I will not succeed”, urging them to ‘put your indifferences aside for the interest of SLEIPA’.

Mr. Koroma said that he received sponsorship from the International Trade Centre (ITC) to organize the retreat and encouraged his staff to take the retreat seriously. He noted that they should draw their strategic plan, a road map to show the direction they would all move the institution in next year. ‘I have signed a performance contract with the President. If I don't perform, I will be sacked. Our president does not maintain people in positions who are not performing. All staff will also sign performance contracts with me to ensure we deliver’, Mr. Koroma said. 

The coordinator for the International Trade Centre, Mr. Shiaka Kawa said his organization supported SLEIPA to achieve their objectives in line with the government of Sierra Leone’s Medium Term National Development Plan, noting that ITC always works with national promotion organizations and SLEIPA is not an exemption because according to him the Sierra Leone Investment and Export Promotion Agency is working on export development and several value chains that are of interest to the  International Trade Center.

Earlier the Board chairman of SLIEPA, Mr. Jonathan George thanked the management, staff and partners for attending the program. He asked the CEO and staff to redouble their efforts for the common good of the institution. 

A member of staff Mrs. Abibatu Shyllon said she was happy to be part of the three day retreat. She said the program brought together all members of SLIEPA across the country and they will use this opportunity to know themselves better and work together in achieving the organization’s objectives.

Copyright © Politico Online 01/11/21
