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Six months imprisonment for stealing a power bank

  • Justice Komba Kamanda

By Saio Marrah

Justice Komba Kamanda has during Day Two of the Special Prison Court at the Pademba Road Male Correctional Centre in Freetown, sentenced Salieu Turay to six months imprisonment after pleading guilty to stealing a mobile phone power bank.

The power bank was valued at 800 (Eight hundred) New Leones.

Responding to questions from the presiding judge on Saturday 30th September 2023, the convict said he did not steal the power bank, saying it was given to him by the complainant for safe keeping, but however admitted that he misused it.

Another convict, Baimba Sesay was sentenced to six months imprisonment after pleading guilty to fraudulently converting 100 cups of gari (cassava flour) to his own use and benefit. The gari was entrusted to him by a blind woman for sale. 

Justice Kamanda also reduced from four years and nine months to two years and four months the jail duration of a 21 year- old, Mohamed Karku.

The convict who was a resident of 42B Looking Town, Kissy being a bike rider, was charged with stealing an IPhone and other belongings of Lucinda Songu, with a total value of Nle 20,000.

Justice Momoh Jah Stevens, who dealt with cases from the Pademba Road Magistrate court, sentenced an accused Augustine Salia  to two years imprisonment on two counts of burglary and wounding with intent.

One  Christopher Cole was also sentenced to four years imprisonment over a case of larceny.

Julius Batilo Condo, who admitted to impersonation after he was caught wearing a police uniform at Aberdeen Road Junction in Freetown, was sentenced to 12 months imprisonment.

While responding to questions from the presiding judge about his motive for doing so, the convict said he wore the uniform because he is in love with police work.

He also noted that he had attempted several times to join the force, but he did not succeed.

But Police Prosecutor, Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP) I.S. Mansaray stated that he had prosecuted the convict at least four times for similar offence.

 Mansaray further informed the presiding judge that the convict is a serial offender saying as soon as he finished his prison sentence he would commit the same offence.

 The two appeal court judges are to review 344 cases from magistrate courts.

Copyright © 2023 Politico (02/10/23)
