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Sierra Leone's violent protests grind Parliamentary proceedings

  • Acting Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Segepoh Solomon Thomas

By Nasratu Kargbo

Protests held in parts of the country including the east of the capital Freetown have disrupted the affairs of Parliament. Some constitutional amendments requiring the presence of at least two-thirds of Parliamentarians cannot be held because of the violence.

The Acting Speaker of Parliament Solomon Sengehpoh Thomas in parliament  said: “As it is, we cannot proceed (today) because we do not have the required two-thirds majority as dictated by the constitution of Sierra Leone A (6) of 1991 and the standing orders of the Parliament of Sierra Leone”.

He explained that many members of parliament would have been present, but could not as a result of the “unfortunate situation”.  

He said he and other members have received several distressing calls from some of their colleagues, claiming of being attacked by protesters in their homes or whilst on their way to Parliament.  

The Acting speaker made mention of section 108 of the constitution that deals with alteration of the constitution, but with emphasis on section 108 (2) (b). Section 108 (2) (b) reads that “A Bill for an Act Parliament under this section shall not be passed by parliament unless- the bill is supported on the second and the third readings by the votes of not less than two-thirds of the members of parliament”.

 It is important to note that amendment of parts of the constitution cannot be done, for the bill entitled “Political Parties Regulation Commission Act, 2022” to become law.

However as we were going to press, the Public Relations Officer, Sheku  Turay notified the public that Parliament was instead now going into the usual annual recess, and would be resuming proceedings on 18th October 2022.

Copyright © 2022 Politico Online (12/08/22)
