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Sierra Leone to sit High Court in towns outside district headquarters

  • Babatunde Edwards, CHief Justice

By Politico Staff writer

In a bid to decongest Correctional Centres and expedite trial of criminal cases across the country, the Judiciary of Sierra Leone is to hold its special criminal High Court sessions in places where there are no sitting high court judges.

This is according to a press release from the Communications Unit of the judiciary of Serra Leone.

The resident judge in Port Loko town will be presiding on 24 cases for Kambia District whilst the judge in Kailahun District will sit on 14 cases related to Segbwema town. The sessions will last between Monday 7 and 15 November.

Also it’s being reported that the November high court criminal session will commence from 7th to 22nd November in places such as Mattru Jong with 16 cases, Pujehun 18 , Magburuka 30 , and Mongo Bendugu 6.

The other places are Bunumbu with three, and Koindu four, to commence the 7th to 22nd November.

The statement said the move is geared towards not just expediting criminal cases, but also ensuring  nationwide access to justice. It is also expected to enhance the likelihood of accused persons having the opportunity to be tried expeditiously in their respective localities.

The high court criminal session is said to be funded by the Government of Sierra Leone.

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