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Sierra Leone to review Universities Act

  • Turad Senessie, Deputy Minister of Technical and Higher Education

By Mabinty M.Kamara

The Deputy Minister of Technical and Higher Education, Dr. Turad Senesie has said that the government is one third gone with the review process of the Universities Act of 2005.

Dr. Senesie made this pronouncement at the weekly government press briefing on Thursday. Speaking on the essence of the review, he said it is being done to reflect contemporary issues.

“But as government, we believe that most of these policies and laws do not address contemporary issues that shape the advancement of tertiary institutions and at the same time meet global competitiveness,” he said.

The University Act was first developed in 2005. Stakeholders in the education sector have been calling for years for the document to be reviewed.

Senesie said the review is being done in consultation with students, civil society activists and other relevant stakeholders to make sure that the document is as comprehensive as possible.

“We are getting the people involved and this time round, the students are going to have a say in the review process, line ministries, CSOs, the media and lecturers who ever had the opportunity, to have a say in the Act. A more consultative and engaging document will all make the content rich which can make it stand the test of time,” he said.

He added that they have already completed the first phase of the review process where they engaged academics in the country and institutions like the Technical Education Commission and National Commission on Technical and Vocational Association. The next stage in the review process will be to broaden the consultative aspect of the review.

As part of the new university act, universities will be able to deploy Professors above the age of 65. Senesie said this will help in bridging the knowledge gap between younger lecturers and senior lecturers.

The University Act is not the only policy document that the ministry is working on. They are also working on policies like the National Qualification Framework and the Tertiary Education Act.

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