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Sierra Leone President praises healthcare workers in Independence Day address

By Kemo Cham

Sierra Leone’s President Julius Maada Bio praised the country’s healthcare workers for their dedication to the fight against Covid-19 in his independence anniversary speech on Monday.

Bio also singled out other stakeholders in the fight, including local authorities, whom he said were all contributing to efforts to ending the transmission of the virus.

“As we mark this day, I would like to thank our healthcare and other essential workers, Chiefs and community leaders, journalists, development partners (local and international), and Sierra Leoneans who have volunteered to work hard to rid our great nation of COVID-19,” the president said in a televised address to the nation.

Sierra Leone on Monday marked its 59th independence anniversary. But the day was overshadowed by the somber mood occasioned by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic which is already spiraling out of control as cases swell by the day.

As of Tuesday, April 28, the country had recorded 104 cumulative confirmed positive cases and four deaths.

Response efforts have been made complicated by apparent lack of resources, particularly Personal Protection Equipment (PPEs) and testing kits.

The lack of PPE has caused concern among the healthcare workers, which recently led to near threats of protests over working condition.

The reluctance displayed by the healthcare workers, coupled with apparent lack of trust in the system, kept people away from the health facilities. It further raised concern over the impact of this on other public health issues.

President Bio used his address to appeal to the public to trust the healthcare system. He also urged the greater Sierra Leonean population to be communicators and social mobilisers by acting not only to prevent Corona but also to educate loved ones, neighbours, and communities about the highly infectious nature of the disease.

“Only with our collective commitment, determination, focus, and unity of purpose, shall we prevail over Corona,” he said, adding: “I, therefore, entreat every Sierra Leonean to strictly adhere to all hygiene protocols and healthcare directives, and to report anyone showing symptoms of COVID-19.”

“You must also continue to use healthcare facilities for all other illnesses,” the President added.

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