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Sierra Leone Police warns sand miners

  • Ambrose Sovula, Police Chief

By Mabinty M. Kamara

The Sierra Leone Police has in a press statement warned against sand mining at the Hamilton community and other restricted coastal areas in the Western Area district of Freetown.

“It has come to the notice of the Sierra Leone Police that some unpatriotic people have the habit of engaging in illegal sand mining at Hamilton and other restricted coastal areas in the western rural district” the release states.

It warns defaulters to desist forthwith of face arrest and prosecution.

Indiscriminate sand mining along the coastlines has over the years become a predominant source of livelihood for many young people along communities especially in Freetown despite the devastating effects such has on the environment and residents. They usually do so in cahoots with local authorities and headmen.

Several concerns and reports have been published about the future of those areas if swift actions are not taken to stop the activity. But much has not been done in that regard either due to the attitude of law enforcement agencies or a disregard for the environmental consequences associated with those activities.

However, the latest press statement from the police also warns service personnel who are alleged to be condoning or engaged in sand mining to desist from such.  

“The Police further notes, with dismay, that certain service personnel appear to be aiding and abetting this illegal act, for their personal benefits. Management wants the public to know that it frowns at such unprofessional conduct allegedly perpetrated by service personnel,” it reads.

It goes on: “In view of the foregoing, management wishes to reiterate that service personnel who might, in future, found to be conniving with members of the public or engaging in illegal sand mining would be disciplinarily dealt with. Service personnel are reminded of their sacred responsibility to obey the law and to also conduct them professionally at all times.”

The statement further encourages the public to take into account the effects of sand mining and work with the police by providing timely and relevant information that will lead to the arrest and prosecution of persons who engage in illegal sand mining. 

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