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Sierra Leone Police officers in Rwanda for child protection training

  • Fayia Sellu, Inspector General of Police

By Politico staff writer

Two senior Police Officers from Sierra Leone have joined counterparts and civil society representatives from other African Countries for Specialized Child Protection Training in Rwanda.

Chief Superintendents Hawa Koloneh Conteh and Zainab Mbalu Gbla are being trained alongside those from the Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Sudan, Uganda, and host country Rwanda for the 5 days training from 25th -29th September, 2023.

 Dallaire Institute’s Africa Centre of Excellence is organising the training in the form of theory and scenario-based simulation through support from the Dallaire Institute for Children, Peace, and Security- a global leader in preventing the recruitment and use of children in armed violence, based in Halifax, Canada.

According to a Press Release by the Institute, “The course, which is specifically for previously trained facilitators, will be delivered by lead facilitator Major Musa Donald Gbow of the Republic of Sierra Leone Armed Forces.

Maj. Gbow was the first ever child protection advisor in an African Union peacekeeping mission and is a master trainer for the Dallaire Institute’’.

Executive Director of the Dallaire Institute, Dr Shelly Whitman disclosed that the course will bring participants up to speed on best practices in preventing the recruitment and use of children while enhancing their ability to independently lead Dallaire Institute courses across the continent.

“The Dallaire Institute believes in the importance of collaboration that leads to long-term systemic change to place children at the heart of peace and security. The lead trainers’ course will bring together our champions for change from military and police institutions across the African continent, so they can support and learn from each other on how to prevent the recruitment and use of children and we as the Dallaire Institute can continue to learn from their lived experiences to ensure our approaches are effective”, Whitman noted.

The Dallaire Institute has worked with the Sierra Leonean military, police, and civil society groups since 2013 when it began in-country consultations in Moyamba District for its youth-oriented training module on issues related to child soldiery and conflict resolution.

This intervention was undertaken through an established partnership with the Sierra Leonean Pikin-to-Pikin Movement (PPM), managed by Child-to-Child Trust based in the UK.

The Institute was founded by renowned humanitarian and former Canadian Forces Lieutenant General, Roméo Dallaire, the Dallaire Institute was created with the unique premise that preventing violence against children requires a dual lens that is focused on prioritizing the protection of children, as well as understanding the significant operational impacts upon security sector actors.

As co-developers and custodians of The Vancouver Principles on Peacekeeping and the Prevention of the Recruitment and Use of Child Soldiers, the Institute advises governments and multilateral partners on integrating the principles into security sector governance.

Copyright © 2023 Politico (29/09/23)
