By Politico staff writer
In an effort to minimize the effect of alcohol on the population, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation in collaboration with the Sierra Leone Alcohol Policy Alliance (SLAPA), the World Health Organization (WHO) and FoRUT have commenced an Alcohol Policy Development Process.
It started with a regional consultative meeting held in the districts of Bombali and Port Loko on the 17th and 18th August 2021, targeting state and non-state actors including officials of the Ministry of Health and Sanitation, Ministry of Social Welfare, the security sector, district and city councils, paramount chiefs and civil society activists.
Among the issues discussed at the meeting were Restrictions on Alcohol Availability, Alcohol Taxation, Drink Driving Counter Measures, Alcohol Advertising and Marketing, and Community Action for Reducing Harm from Alcohol.
Speaking at the event, Paramount Chief Bai Sheborah Kasana II of Bombali Shebora Chiefdom said young people under the influence of alcohol in public are at increased risk of involvement in anti-social behaviour such as fights, property damage, disruption to community safety and harming others, and also of greater risk to injuries from accidents, assaults and trouble with the Police.
In his statement, The Chairman Port Loko district council, Ibrahim Santigie Bangura said the initiative was laudable while pledging his council’s support towards the alcohol policy development and the effective implementation of the policy. “I am making a commitment that I will not tolerate any individual who excessively take alcohol to join my campaign outreach team,” he said.
The Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Mamoud Idriss Kamara said alcohol consumption is associated with health problems such as mental and behavioural disorders, including alcohol dependence, liver cirrhosis and cardiovascular diseases. “The alcohol policy will serve as a wakeup call for effective action in reducing harm from alcohol,” he said.
The Alcohol Control Technical Working Group (ACTWG) according to officials was established in May 2019 by the Ministry of Health and Sanitation (MoHS) through the Directorate of Non-Communicable Disease and Mental Health to lead the development of alcohol policy and strategic plan on the control of alcohol in Sierra Leone and also to lead all public consultations for the development of legal framework for alcohol control.
Sierra Leone, over the years has developed laws on alcohol control, such as the Liqour Act (1924), Palm Wine Act (1927), and Liqour Licensing Act (1960), the Public Order Act 1965 and the Road Traffic Act 2007. However, they provide limited restrictions for alcohol control. The new policy according to officials will serve as a template for a comprehensive legal framework in reducing harm from alcohol consistent with WHO Global Strategy in Reducing Harm from Alcohol.
The regional engagements in on going and will continue in Kenema, Bo and Western Area.
Copyright © 2021 Politico Online (20/08/21)