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Sierra Leone Bar Association commends reforms in the judiciary

  • Bar Association president hands CJ's commendation letter

By Francis H. Murray 

A cross-section of the leadership of the Sierra Leone Bar Association (SLBA) headed by its President, Madam Eddinia Michaela Swallow has commended the Chief Justice of the Republic of Sierra Leone Desmond Babatunde Edwards on the massive reforms ongoing at the Judiciary under his leadership.

She made the commendation during her first visit to the judiciary and the Chief Justice since his appointment, on Wednesday 3rd December 2020 at the Law Courts building on Siaka Stevens in Freetown.   

“Let me on behalf of my learned colleagues thank you for the tremendous reforms in rebranding the Judiciary,” she noted. 

Handling over a letter of appreciation to the CJ, the Association’s President said they were impressed with the facelift given to the main Law Courts building, which she said, made the environment very decent and serene.

She also used the occasion to call on the Chief Justice to provide another entrance for Solicitors’ Clerks in a bid to expedite their work amidst the new measures instituted to gain entrance to the Law Courts.

Earlier this week, the judiciary introduced new restrictive measures aimed at strengthening security and accountability by providing identification cards to all non-staff members before access could be granted into the premises.

All visitors must produce a form of identification, followed by the documentation of the personal details of the visitor before gaining access to the facility.      

On his part, Justice Edwards welcomed and congratulated the Bar Association President and cross section of her executive members, referring to himself as a patron of the Bar.

He told the delegation that the new regulation was part of the reforms to have a new judiciary that will be responsive to the needs of the citizenry of the country in light of access to justice.

He stressed that apart from the refurbishment of the main Law Courts building, he has brought a lot of institutional reforms as well as the enhancement of speedy trials at all levels.

He reiterated his commitment to deliver as expected of him by President Julius Maada Bio and the entire citizenry, adding that nothing will deter him from doing so.

SLBA President also pledged the organization’s continued support to the sustainable growth and reforms in the judiciary.

“We would continue to support positive growth as well as the dispensation of justice,” she stressed.

The visit was concluded with the Chief Justice taking the SLBA newly elected executive on a conducted tour of the court precinct to assess the new development and changes at the Judiciary.

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