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Sierra Leone’s Vice President Interfaces with Ghana’s Energy Minister

By politico staff writer

 Sierra Leone’s Vice President, Dr.Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh together with the Minister of Energy in Sierra Leone, Kanja Sesay has on the 7th December 2021 held discussions with the Energy Minister in Ghana on experience sharing within the energy sector in Ghana.

The bilateral meeting is geared towards transferring huge knowledge and creating huge positive impacts in order to transform Sierra Leone’s energy sector.

While receiving the Vice President and his team, Ghana’s Deputy Minister of Energy, Mohammed Amin Adam said that his ministry is pleased to host Sierra Leone’s delegation in order to discuss matters of common interests between the two countries with regards to providing sustainable, affordable and quality energy services to Sierra Leone. He said that the energy ministry is very cardinal and critical in the relevance of the socio-economic sector in Ghana.

Adam said that Ghana and Sierra Leone have enjoyed a longstanding and mutual bilateral relationship, adding that the visit of Sierra Leone’s Delegation is a clear commitment and a firm demonstration to deepen the closed ties between the two countries.

He noted that Ghana had taken Sierra Leone’s Petroleum Exploration and Production Laws into their own petroleum laws.

Sierra Leone’s Vice President, Dr. Mohamed Juldeh Jalloh commended the Deputy Minister of Ghana for his warm welcome.

He noted that the rationale for their visit hinges on two objectives; to meet with Ghana’s Millennium Development Authority and the Ministry of Energy to share huge experiences on the implementation of Compact Development Programs and by extension to learn on how Ghana’s Ministry of Energy will help to navigate perennial challenges to increase huge energy rates in Sierra Leone.

Vice President spoke on the regional TRANSCO CLSG electricity project and other areas that require regional cooperation between the two countries.  

Sierra Leone’s Minister of Energy, Alhaji Kanja Sesay said that their visit to Ghana was not a coincidence. He added that the visiting team which was led by Sierra Leone’s Vice President is an indication of the relevance and seriousness they had attached to their visit to Ghana.

He disclosed that Sierra Leone had recently been declared Compact eligibility and that Ghana had a distinguished implementation of Compact programmes.

He said that the vising team headed by Sierra Leone’s Vice President is convinced that essential lessons will be learned from Ghana and they would be in place to take back home positive impacts that will transform the country’s energy reformation.

Copyright © Politico Online 10/12/21
