By Mohamed T Massaquoi
Pressured by the effect of the closure of the Mano River border, which has almost entirely strangled local cross-border business activities, residents of Sorogbeima chiefdom in the Pujehun District have called on the Sierra Leone government to negotiate with its Liberian counterpart for the reopening of the border.
It was shutdown over concerns of transmission of the Ebola virus disease, which started in Guinea and spilled over to Liberia before finally reaching Sierra Leone through Kailahun in the east.
Francis Ngelley, Councilor for Ward 325 which lies along the border communities of Sorogbeima, said the living conditions of the people there have become deplorable as a result of the border closure. He told Politico that their major source of income had come from trading with the Liberian side of the border.
Sorogbeima chiefdom, located in the east of the district, is home to the highly populated Jendema town, situated just a stone-throw from the border linking the two countries. Jendema is the main business center in Pujehun, especially known for its regular Saturday Trade Fare. Because of the Ebola, the trade fare has however not been convened for several months. The town is located 93 miles from Bo Town and 90 miles from Kenema. It is located 82 miles to Morovia in Liberia, to where it is linked by a well paved road, making it more accessible to the people who prefer trading in Liberia.
So close are the two people that Sierra Leoneans virtually speak the Liberian pidgin and the Sorogbeima chiefdom depends entirely on the electronic media in Liberia for information.
The Le 5000 is also said to be equivalent to Le 1000, when exchanged with the Liberian dollar.
© Politico 20/01/15